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Kolposkopiya — diagnostic survey of an entrance to a vagina and vulval walls by means of a kolposkop — the special device representing бинокуляр and the lighting fixture. The research has no contraindications.

Types of a kolposkopiya:
Simple — without use of medicamentous means has no special clinical value.
Expanded — use of various special tests for survey of a mucous neck of uterus:
3% acetic acid — narrows not changed vessels, test is used surely, has the greatest clinical value,
Schiller's test — test with Lugol solution (iodine reveals a glycogen in an epithelium),
Hrobak's test (with the probe the started cancer cases come to light),
tests with dyes (toluidine blue, a methylrosanilinum chloride) — are not used,
трихлортетразоль — identification of LDG as cancer marker,
adrenalinic test — vascular.

Main objectives of a kolposkopiya:
- identification of the center of defeat;
- analysis of the general condition of a mucous neck of uterus and vagina;
- to differentiate high-quality new growths from malignant;
- capture of a smear and biopsy for further diagnosis.

At a kolposkopiya are estimated outward (color of fabrics, the vascular drawing; disturbances of an epithelium; existence and form of glands; borders of the revealed educations)

Вид шейки матки при кольпоскопии

Type of a neck of uterus at a kolposkopiya

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