
Producer: CJSC FNPP Retinoidy Rossiya
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D11AF
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 600 mg of phenol, 400 mg 3 methylphenols (m cresol).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Possesses the cauterizing action, coagulates proteins of skin.
Indications to use:
Vulgar, flat and bottom warts, papillomas, sharp-pointed condylomas of skin, dry callosities, keratomas.
Route of administration and doses:
Only for external use. Drug is applied precisely on the processed site with a small thin wooden stick or the special applicator, without allowing hit it on the neighboring healthy sites of skin.
On small papillomas (up to 2 mm in size) and threadlike warts Pheresolum is applied once.
Larger papillomas and small warts (the size of 2-3 mm) grease with drug 3-4 times, doing breaks for drying of the applied liquid.
Before removal by Pheresolum of warts with a dense keratosic surface on brushes, bottom warts, keratomas, dry callosities it is necessary to eliminate horn stratifications from their surface. For this purpose at several o'clock apply keratolytic ointment (for example, 10% salicylic or other), covering the greased site with compresseal paper or a polyethylene film, and then use a gauze bandage. Sticking up by an adhesive plaster is possible. Then the bandage or an adhesive plaster are removed, skin is steamed out in hot water with addition of soap and soda within 10-15 minutes and delete horn stratifications (cut off cuticle scissors or nippers). Apply Pheresolum on the dried skin several times, doing 3-4-minute breaks for drug drying.
Warts on brushes and soles process the drug Pheresolum of 7-10 Times with an interval of 3-4 minutes.
3-4 times with an interval of 3-4 min. are enough to process keratomas and dry callosities.
In need of repeated putting drug in order to avoid a burn of surrounding skin it is reasonable to grease it with zinc paste. Paste is removed a dry gauze tampon after drying of the last portion of Pheresolum.
Sharp-pointed condylomas are not recommended to be deleted independently, their processing by Pheresolum is carried out in a room for medical procedures of policlinic by the dermatovenerologist or the urologist. The drug Pheresolum is applied on each element separately by 1-2 times at an interval of 3-4 min.
Repeated processing is carried out if necessary in 6-8 days after falling away of a crust. Holding 4-5 procedures is allowed.
Features of use:
Pregnancy and lactation. Use of drug is possible when the estimated advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for a fruit or the child. In the period of a lactation it is not recommended to delete the educations located on mammary glands and hands.
Not to apply drug on mucous membranes. Not to use drug in eyes. At accidental hit of drug on a mucous membrane of eyes it is necessary to wash out immediately eyes a large amount of water and to address the ophthalmologist.
Bandaging of the sites processed by drug, sticking up by their plaster, greasing by any ointments is inadmissible. It is impossible to delete crusts with stripping or by means of mechanical means. It is impossible to apply repeatedly drug before the terms specified in the application instruction. The clothes from synthetic fabrics should not touch the site of skin processed by drug.
It is not recommended to apply Pheresolum on the educations located in skin folds (inguinal folds, proctal area, interdigital intervals, etc.) and strongly sweating sites in order to avoid burns of not affected skin of the adjoining surface or as a result of spreading of drug on wet skin.
The site of skin processed by Pheresolum has to dry up independently on air, it cannot be greased with any ointments. In day of performing treatment it is recommended to limit hydrotherapeutic procedures. Before achievement of full healing it is not recommended to swim in the pool and open reservoirs, and also it is necessary to avoid influence of direct sunshine and ultraviolet radiation. It is desirable to avoid to full epithelization traumatization and pollution of the processed site of skin.
At the correct use drug does not leave hems.
Special accuracy and care is required at treatment by drug of children.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles and mechanisms. Drug does not influence ability to drive the car and to perform the works demanding the increased concentration of attention.
Side effects:
Burn (at hit on healthy skin). At accidental hit of drug on healthy skin it is necessary immediately, carefully, without pounding, to remove it from skin, then to process the struck places alcohol of ethyl 10-40% or alcohol-containing liquids (vodka, lotion, cologne) and to wash carefully warm water with soap.
When developing a burn it is recommended to apply the antiburn and healing means. The cutaneous dropsy in a drug site of application passing independently can be observed.
Allergic reactions.
Interaction with other medicines:
Components of drug are easily dissolved in an ointment basis in this connection it is not recommended to grease with any ointments the site of skin processed by Pheresolum.
The increased individual sensitivity to drug components. A pigmental nevus (birthmarks), malignant new growths of skin, the expressed tendency to formation of keloid cicatrixes, rashes located on a red border of lips and mucous membranes. It is impossible to apply drug on the surface of skin more than 20 cm2. Children up to 7 years.
It is not revealed.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature from 18 to 22 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years. Not to use after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Solution for external use. Packaging: bottles of dark glass on 2, 5 and 10 g with or without applicator. Each bottle together with the instruction on a medical use is placed in a pack from a cardboard.