
Producer: MEDA Manufacturing GmbH (MEDA MANUFAKCHURING Gmbh) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G02
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for topical administration.
General characteristics. Structure:
Nitric acid of 70% 537,0 mg
Acetic acid of 99% 20,4 mg
Oxalic acid of a dihydrate of 58,6 mg
Zinc of nitrate of hexahydrate of 6,0 mg
The water distilled to 1,0 ml
Description. Transparent colourless solution.
Pharmacological properties:
Composition of drug Solkovagin developed especially for treatment of high-quality defeats of surface tissues of neck of uterus causes unequal impact of drug on various types of an epithelium of a neck of uterus. When putting drug on an ectopic cylindrical epithelium (a cervical ectopia and a zone of transformation) and a subepithelial stroma (an erosion of a neck of uterus) there is their immediate devitalization and fixing of in vivo. On the other hand, the multilayer cellular structures of a flat epithelium of a vulval part of a neck of uterus and vaginal mucous membrane which are more resistant to Solkovagin's influence remain almost unimpaired. Devitalization and fixing patholologically of the changed fabric occurs within several minutes and is followed by emergence of yellow-white or gray coloring of fabric. This phenomenon cannot be classified as the cauterizing effect of acids, in usual representation as the devitalized (nekrotizirovanny) epithelium remains on the place in an initial phase and forms itself a blanket which exfoliates in several days thanks to spontaneous growth under it new cells of a flat epithelium.
Pharmacokinetics. Drug of local action.
Indications to use:
High-quality defeats of surface tissues of neck of uterus:
- Cervical ectopia
- Transformation zone
- Nabotova of a cyst (after opening)
- Polyps of the cervical channel (in the absence of endometria pathology)
- Post-operational granulomas.
Route of administration and doses:
Drug is intended only for topical administration in the field of surface tissues of a neck of uterus. The procedure has to be carried out only by the specialist - the gynecologist (using a kolposkop). During the procedure it is necessary to process only a defeat zone, avoiding hit of solution on skin of external genitals and an epithelium of a vagina.
1. To remove vaginal slime with a cotton plug. Processing of the struck zone of 3% solution of acetic acid gives the chance of more accurate visual delimitation of defeat.
2. To impregnate with Solkovagin's solution the small cotton plug wound on a wooden stick. To process a defeat zone.
3. In 1-2 minutes to repeat processing by means of the fresh cotton plug impregnated with Solkovagin's solution. As shows experience, such double processing strengthens therapeutic effect.
4. Treatment by Solkovagin is carried out on an outpatient basis and does not provide any restrictions in acceptance of hydrotherapeutic procedures and maintaining sex life.
5. Control surveys are made according to the scheme: 1 survey - in 10 days after holding a procedure; The 2nd survey - in 14 days after carrying out 1 survey; The 3rd survey - in 14 days after carrying out 2 surveys. In case of unsatisfactory result of survey, it is necessary to carry out a repeated course of treatment (2 procedures) and to make the next control surveys according to the above-stated scheme.
Precautionary measures
Solkovagin is the drug containing concentrated acids. It is necessary to avoid hit of drug on clothes, skin and especially - in eyes. In case of solution hit Solkovagin on skin of external genitals or an epithelium of a vagina it is necessary to wash out immediately a drug hit zone water. At solution hit Solkovagin on integuments or in eyes it is necessary to wash out immediately a drug hit zone a plentiful amount of water and if it is possible, neutralized solution, such as 1% Natrii hydrocarbonas solution.
Order of use and destruction of packaging (see the drawing).
1. To open a bottle cover.
2. To lower the cotton plug which is reeled up on a wooden core in a bottle. Contents of one bottle are counted on holding two procedures.
3. After holding a procedure to place the used cotton plug in a bottle approximately on 1 cm and to break off a core.
4. To close a bottle the rubber stopper enclosed in packaging in order to avoid hit of the remains of solution on surrounding objects, then to throw out in a trash bin.
Side effects:
So far no side effects at Solkovagin's use were noted. Treatment is painless and does not lead to formation of hems or deformation of the channel of a neck of uterus.
Interaction with other medicines:
Solkovagin's interaction with other medicines of local action is not established.
1. Malignant changes of a neck of uterus (suspicion on a malignancy).
2. Cellular dysplasia.
3. Pregnancy.
4. Hypersensitivity to drug components.
At excess use of drug developing of burns is possible that can lead to pathological changes of an epithelium of a neck of uterus. Treatment: symptomatic.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature from +15ºС to + 25 ºС.
Attention! Solution possesses the strong corroding action. To handle care!
To store in the place, unavailable to children!
Formation of a crystal deposit is possible that is a consequence of storage of drug at lower temperatures, for example, during transportation. Short-term heating of drug (1-2 min.) at 40ºС leads to dissolution of a deposit.
Period of validity 3 years. It is not necessary to use drug after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 0,5 ml of solution in the bottles of colourless glass with a nominal volume of 2 ml corked by rubber bungs with a teflon covering, with a running in caps aluminum.
2 bottles complete with two additional rubber bungs are located in the container from polyfoam containing nests for the corked bottles and a nest for the opened bottle.
Container together with the application instruction are located in a cardboard pack.