Extracorporal fertilization
- Description
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Extracorporal fertilization (Latin extra — outside, out of and lat. corpus — a body, that is fertilization out of a body, abbr. EKO) — the auxiliary reproductive technology used in case of infertility. Synonyms: "fertilization in a test tube", "fertilization of in vitro", "artificial fertilization", in English is designated by an abbreviation of IVF (in vitro fertilization).
During EKO the ovum is taken from an organism of the woman and impregnated artificially in the conditions of "in vitro" ("in a test tube"), the received embryo is contained in incubator conditions where it develops within 2 — 5 days then the embryo is transferred to a cavity of the uterus for further development.
The indication to holding the EKO procedure are various forms of male and female infertility. According to the order N67 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation the indication to EKO is "the infertility which is not giving in to therapy, or the probability of overcoming which by means of EKO is higher, than other methods. In the absence of contraindications of EKO it can be carried out at the request of married couple (the woman who is not married) at any form of infertility".
Contraindications for carrying out EKO are conditions of the woman at which pregnancy and childbirth threaten health of mother or child, namely:
the somatic and mental diseases which are contraindications for incubation of pregnancy and childbirth;
inborn malformations or the acquired deformations of a cavity of the uterus at which implantation of embryos or incubation of pregnancy is impossible;
tumors of ovaries;
the benign tumors of a uterus demanding operational treatment;
acute inflammatory diseases of any localization;
malignant new growths of any localization, including in the anamnesis.
Contraindications for carrying out EKO from the man are absent.
Efficiency of extracorporal fertilization (EKO) in general makes about 30 — 35%. Value can change depending on age, the reasons of infertility, qualification of doctors and level of clinic (because material equipment has important value). From 20 occurred pregnancies 18 come to an end with childbirth on average. After introduction of embryos once in 3 days it is necessary to control the level of hormones in blood. In 12 days the test for pregnancy is carried out. In case of polycarpous pregnancy at the request of the woman carry out a reduction — removal of unnecessary embryos.
Childbirth at pregnancy after EKO differs in nothing from usual. When the infertility reason — the disease of the woman, childbirth are carried out taking into account a specific disease and it has no relation to a way of fertilization any more.
According to doctors, the children conceived in a test tube differ in nothing from the others. Nevertheless there is an opinion that such children study better, but much more impulsive are ill also more often. Some doctors consider that it can be connected with excessive guardianship of the desired child.

Extracorporal fertilization