
Producer: Laboratoires Galderma (Galderm's Laboratories) France
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D10AD53
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agents: Adapalen-0.001 g of Benzoyl peroxide - 0.025 g
Excipients: симульгель 600 PHA (copolymer of acrylamide and acryloyldimethyl of a taurat of 35-40%. isocetane of 20-25%. % polysorbate 80 5-10. sorbitan oleate of 2.5%. water to 100%) - 0,04 g, sodium docusate - 0,0005 g of dinatrium эдетат - 0.001 g глицерол - 0.04 g of half-oxameasures of 124 - 0.002 g propylene glycol - 0.04 g, the water purified - to 1 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Effezel contains in the structure two active agents with various, however complementary, mechanisms of action.
Adapalen is to chemically stable derivatives of naphthoic acid with retinoidopodobny action. Adapalen acts pathogenetic at vulgaris aspa: is the strong modulator of processes of a cellular differentiation and keratinization. and also possesses antiinflammatory action. The mechanism of effect of drug is based on linkng of an adapalen with specific nuclear receptors of retinoic acid. Modern data allow to assume what at topical administration адапален normalizes process of a differentiation of epithelial cells of follicles. reducing thus formation of microcomedones. In vitro адапален oppresses hemotaksichesky (directed) and hemokinetichesky (any) answers of polymorphonuclear leukocytes of the person, and also metabolism of arachidonic acid and formation of mediators of an inflammation oppresses. According to the researches in vitro адапален AR-1 factors, and also an expression of toll-like receptors-2 oppresses. Thus, one may say, that under the influence of an adapalen the cell-mediated inflammatory component of acne rash decreases.
benzoit peroxide.
Benzoyl peroxide has antimicrobic effect, in particular, concerning Propionibacteriwn acnes which are present at a grease and hair follicle at acne rash. Has the peeling and keratolytic effect. Possesses sebostatichesky action, preventing the excessive production of skin fat accompanying acne rash.
Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic properties of drug Effezel are similar to drug pharmacokinetics Differin (адапален) of 0.1% of gel for external use. Peroxide benzoyl penetration through skin is low. It completely turns into the benzoic acid which is quickly removed from an organism.
Indications to use:
Topical treatment of acne rash with comedones. papules and pustules.
Route of administration and doses:
To apply with a pellicle by means of finger-tips on all struck surface once a day in the evening on clean and dry skin, avoiding hit in eyes and on mucous lips.
The therapeutic effect develops in 1-4 weeks of treatment. Duration of treatment has to be established by the doctor on the basis of a clinical condition of the patient.
In a case emergence of signs of irritation of skin use of nekomedonogenny means with the moistening action is recommended, the number of applications can be reduced (for example, every other day), treatment can be temporarily suspended before disappearance of signs of irritation or is completely stopped.
Features of use:
It is not necessary to apply gel Effezel on damaged as a result of injuries (cuts or grazes) or ekzematozno the changed skin.
To avoid contact with eyes, an oral cavity, nostrils and other mucous membranes. At hit of drug in eyes immediately to wash out them warm water. Drug contains propylene glycol (E1520). which can cause irritation of skin. At suspicion on hypersensitivity to kakomi-or from drug ingredients Effezel's use should be stopped.
It is necessary to avoid excessive impact of a sunlight or UF of radiation. It is necessary to avoid contact with any painted materials (including hair and the painted fabrics) as it can lead to change of their color or decolouration.
Side effects:
Frequency of side effects is distributed in the following order: often (in 1% - 10%
cases): infrequently (in 0.1% - 1% of cases).
From skin and a hypodermic fatty tissue:
Often: xeroderma, irritable contact dermatitis, burning and irritation of skin.
Infrequently: itch. sunblister.
Frequency is unknown (post-marketing data): allergic contact dermatitis. In case of development of irritation of skin its intensity usually easy or moderate, with local symptoms of portability (reddening, dryness, a peeling and burning) which reach peak within the first week of treatment and then spontaneously leave.
Interaction with other medicines:
Interaction researches with other medicines were not conducted. On the basis of the available experience of use of an adapalen and benzoyl of peroxide of a vzaimodestviye with other medicines are not revealed.
Nevertheless, it is not necessary to apply at the same time other retinoids or benzoyl peroxide. or drugs with the similar mechanism of action. It is necessary to be careful at simultaneous use of cosmetics with the peeling, irritating or drying action because of the possible additional irritating effect.
Absorption of an adapalen through skin is low therefore development of interaction with system medicines is improbable.
Peroxide benzoyl penetration through skin is low, it is completely metabolized to the benzoic acid which is quickly removed from an organism. In this regard development of interaction of the benzoic acid with system drugs is improbable.
Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to active ingredients or any of drug ingredients.
Experience of use for children:
Safety and efficiency of drug was not investigated at children 12 years are younger.
Pregnancy and period of a lactation:
Pregnant women have enough data on topical administration of a combination of an adapalen and benzoyl of peroxide. However some of the available data collected at the patients receiving drug on early durations of gestation do not confirm its any negative influence.
Researches of a combination of an adapalen and benzoyl of peroxide on animals in whom drug was fed by an animal orally. showed toxic action on reproductive system on high system exposure.
Owing to limitation of the available data, and also owing to possible weak penetration of an adapalen through skin. Effezel it is not necessary to apply during pregnancy. In case of pregnancy approach treatment should be stopped.
Researches of penetration of drug into milk of animals or the person after cutaneous putting gel Effezel were not conducted. As system exposure of Effezel at the feeding women is insignificant, no influence on the babies who are on breastfeeding is expected.
Effezel can will be applied during feeding by a breast. It is necessary to avoid contact of the newborn with drug, putting drug on a breast when using during breastfeeding.
Effezel it is necessary to put only once in day.
At an accidental proglatyvaniye it is necessary to carry out the corresponding symptomatic therapy.
Storage conditions:
At a temperature not above 30 °C to Store in the place, unavailable to children!
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Gel for external use 1mg/g + 25mg/g on 2. 15. 30. 45. 60 and 90 g in a tuba of the high density laminated from plastic with top from polyethylene or in a tuba from polyethylene of high density, with the screwing-up polypropylene cover. On 1 tuba together with the application instruction place in a cardboard pack.