
Producer: Teva (Tev) Israel
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Pharmacological properties:
1. Means pedikulitsidny "Nittifor - cream" - represents cream of orange color, ready to use, with a specific smell which part as active ingredient 1% of permethrin is.
2. Means is highly effective in relation to an imago, larvae and eggs of louses at their 10th minute contact with it.
3. Means on classification of danger of GOST 12.1.007-76 belongs to the 4th class few dangerous connections at introduction to a stomach and drawing on skin. In the recommended mode of use does not possess sensibilizing, the local irritating and skin and resorptive action.
Maximum allowable concentration of permethrin in air of a working zone - 1mg/m3 (aerosol).
4. Standard packaging: polyethylene bottles of 115 ml.
Indications to use:
Means is intended for external use for the purpose of extermination of head and pubic louses and their eggs (nits) at adults and children since 5 years in practice of medical disinsection by the professional contingent and population in life.
Route of administration and doses:
2.1. At first it is necessary to wash up hair usual shampoo, then to rinse water and to dry a towel dry. Before use of means the bottle should be stirred up. Then cream is evenly applied on hair of the head or pilar parts of a body (at a pubic pediculosis), rubbing in roots of hair.
In 10 minutes from the processed parts of a body means to wash away flowing warm water using soap or shampoo, hair of the head to rinse 5% aqueous solution of acetic acid, to comb a fine-tooth comb for removal of the died insects.
2.2 The consumption rate of cream at a head pediculosis makes 30 - 60 g on one head of the person depending on infectiousness degree insects, length and density of hair.
2.3. At repeated infection to repeat processing, but no more than 2 times a month.
Features of use:
Methods of quality control of pedikulitsidny means of "Nittifor-krem"
According to requirements of the specification means of "Nittifor-krem" is characterized by the following indicators of quality: outward - emulsion cream of orange color; a smell - pleasant the applied fragrance; an indicator of activity of hydrogen ions (рН) 1,0% of a water emulsion - 4,5-6,5; mass fraction of permethrin, component (1,00 ± 0,01) %.
Quality control of means is carried out on these indicators.
1. Definition of outward of means of "Nittifor-krem"
Outward of means is defined visually; smell organoleptic.
2. Definition of an indicator of activity of hydrogen ions (рН)
The indicator of activity of hydrogen ions (рН) of 1,0% of a water emulsion is defined by an electrometric method in accordance with GOST P 50550-93.
3. Definition of a mass fraction of permethrin.
The mass fraction of permethrin decides by method - GZhH on use of the flame and ionization detector and quantitative assessment of DV by method of absolute graduation.
Identification of permethrin is carried out by comparison of time of keeping of DV in the calibration and analyzed solutions.
Equipment, reactants, solutions
- the LHM-80 brand chromatograph with the flame and ionization detector (FID), a metal column 100 cm long and internal diameter
- 0,3 cm, filled SE-30, hromatony from 5%;
- permethrin, the GSO 7715-99 standard with the content of the main substance of 95,0% or other model of comparison with the known content of permethrin;
- standard" permethrin solution in tetrachloride carbon-1, 0 mg/cm3;
- carbon tetrachloride HCh brands.
The mass fraction of permethrin (X) is calculated as a percentage by a formula:
, where Nkh and Ngr. - heights of hromatografichesky peaks of permethrin in the analyzed and calibration solutions, mm; Sgr. - concentration of permethrin in calibration solution of mg/cm3;
Vx - the volume of the analyzed solution, cm3;
mx - the mass of a hinge plate of means of "Nittifor-krem", mg.
The arithmetic average value from 3 parallel definitions, absolute discrepancy which the admissible, equal 0,01% do not exceed is accepted to result of the analysis.
Limits of a relative total error make ± 3,0% at confidential probability 0,95.
Carrying out analysis
To the means hinge plate about 1,0 g weighed on analytical scales with an accuracy of 0,0002 g add 10,0 cm3 of tetrachloride carbon, transfer the received emulsion to a dividing funnel, carefully stir up and after stratification separate an organic layer, dry over the calcinated sodium sulfate within 30 min. to Alikvot of the settled solution filter via the paper filter and the hromatografiruyuena less than 3-x time in parallel with standard solution.
On hromatogramma measure heights of hromatografichesky peaks
Side effects:
1. It is necessary to avoid hit of means in a mouth, eyes and on skin!
2. At hit of funds for skin and mucous membranes (a nose, a crotch and generative organs) it is necessary to wash out carefully them warm water.
3. At hit of means in eyes it is necessary to wash out them a large amount of water or 2% solution of baking soda. At emergence of irritation of mucous membranes of eyes to dig 20% or 30% solution a sodium sulfacetamide, at morbidity - 2% novocaine solution.
4. At emergence of an itch, signs of irritation or rash on skin means should be washed away immediately. If necessary it is necessary to ask for medical assistance.
Interaction with other medicines:
Chromatography conditions:
column temperature - 2 50 °C; detector temperature - 2 60 °C; evaporator temperature - 270 °C;
sensitivity of a scale of the electrometer - 5 x a 10-10a; the volume of the entered test - 1 мкл; permethrin keeping time - 4 min. 35 sec.
1. It is not recommended to process children up to five years, pregnant women and the nursing women, and also people having various skin diseases or with displays of an allergy to medical and to cosmetics.
2. In order to avoid hit of cream on mucous covers eyes and nasopharynxes before processing of hair it is necessary to tie around the head (lower than hair) the cotton kerchief curtailed by a plait.
3. When using contact lenses they should be removed before use of pedikulitsidny cream.
4. During the work with means to protect skin of hands rubber gloves.
5. To follow rules of personal hygiene: not to drink, not to smoke and not to eat food in operating time. Upon termination of work to wash up hands.
6. To store pedikulitsidny cream separately from medicines and foodstuff, in the place, not available to children, at a temperature from plus 15 °C to plus 25 °C.
Storage conditions:
1. Means to store in the dry, closed, dark, cool warehouse, at a temperature from plus 15 °C to plus 25 °C in a distance from sources of heat and a sunlight, separately from cosmetic, medicines and foodstuff, in the place, unavailable to children.
Warranty period of storage - 2 years.
2. Transportation of means is allowed by all means of transport according to the rules of transportation existing on each type of transport and guaranteeing safety of means and a container.
3. In an emergency at leakage of a large number of means to fill up it with the occluding material (sand, the earth, sawdust, shaving), then to collect in capacity for the subsequent utilization. When cleaning to use individual protection equipment: protective clothes: (dressing gown, apron, kerchief, footwear); to protect skin of hands rubber gloves.
4. Environment measures of protection: not to allow hit of undiluted means in waste/surface or underground water and in the sewerage.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe