
Producer: Bionorica (Bionorik) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: G02CX
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 20 mg of a tsimitsifuga (Cimicifuga racemosa L.) rhizomes extract dry (contains 2,8 mg of a tsimitsifuga of rhizomes of extract native (5-10:1, extragent ethanol of 58% about/about) and lactoses of monohydrate of 17,2 mg).
Auxiliary components: calcium hydrophosphate a dihydrate, potato starch, magnesium stearate, talc, titanium E 171 dioxide, gland an oxide yellow E 172, gland an oxide red E 172, a macrogoal 6000, eudragit RL 30D (ammonium methacrylate copolymer (1:2:0,2) 1,35 of mg and sorbic acid of 0,01 mg).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Климадинон® has estrogenopodobny effect, shows sedative properties, makes therapeutic impact on the autonomic nervous system. Use of drug promotes easing or total disappearance of symptoms of an indisposition in a climacteric.
The therapeutic effect of Klimadinona® occurs gradually and is shown approximately in 2 weeks of treatment.
Indications to use:
Vegeto-vascular frustration in the period of a menopause, pre-and postmenopauses ("inflows", the increased perspiration, a sleep disorder, the increased nervous irritability, changes of mood, apathy, etc.).
Route of administration and doses:
Inside, on 1 tablet 2 times a day at the same time days (in the morning and in the evening). Tablets should be swallowed, without chewing, washing down with a small amount of water. Duration of treatment is defined by the doctor.
Features of use:
Without consultation of the doctor it is not necessary to use drug more than 3 months.
At approach of pregnancy it is necessary to stop administration of drug and to see a doctor.
At use in the recommended doses drug does not exert impact on ability to manage transport and to work with the mechanisms requiring special attention.
The instruction for patients with a diabetes mellitus. Patients with a diabetes mellitus can take a pill Klimadinon as the single dose of this drug contains less than 0,04 of "grain units".
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Emergence of pain in epigastric area is in rare instances possible.
Increase in body weight is possible. Very seldom appear feeling of tension in mammary glands and menstrualnopodobny bleedings.
Interaction with other medicines:
Interactions with other medicines are unknown now.
Hypersensitivity to drug components, a lactose intolerance. It is impossible to apply to treatment of patients about estrogen - dependent tumors.
With care: liver diseases, epilepsy, diseases and brain injuries (use is possible only after consultation with the doctor).
Cases of overdose and intoxication on the present are unknown.
Storage conditions:
In the dry, protected from light place, at a temperature not above 25 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children. Period of validity 3 years. Not to apply after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
Tablets, coated. On 15 tablets in the blister from aluminum foil (the lower party) and films from PVC, PE, PVDH (the upper party). On 4, 6 blisters place in a folding box together with the application instruction.