Skin hyperpegmentation
- Description
- Skin Hyperpegmentation symptoms
- Skin Hyperpegmentation reasons
- Treatment of the Hyperpegmentation of skin
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Skin hyperpegmentation — excess adjournment of a pigment in skin.
Skin Hyperpegmentation symptoms:
Melanoderma — the inborn or acquired disease caused by disturbance of chromogenesis in skin. The inborn diffusion hyperpegmentation of skin can belong also to manifestations of racial features.
The diffusion acquired form of a melanoderma meets at dysfunction of adrenal glands, mainly defeat of its bast layer. At the same time integuments are diffuzno painted in brown, bronze color. The hyperpegmentation on open sites of skin is most expressed: a face, a neck, hands, and also in the field of an areola of nipples, a scrotum, a crotch, the white line of a stomach.
The focal hyperpegmentation can be observed on mucous membranes of an oral cavity (the internal surface of lips and cheeks, gums, language, the sky).
Generalized pigmentation quite often develops at tumors of a hypophysis, a bazedovy disease, pituitary insufficiency (Simmonds's syndrome, Bergman's syndrome). After prolonged treatment by arsenic drugs arsenical melanodermas in the form of diffuse spots on skin of a trunk and extremities sometimes appear. At external or internal use of various medicines (antipyrine, pyramidon, quinine, streptocides) pigmental toxidermias can develop. Emergence of a toxic melanoderma is often connected with a skin sensitization hydrocarbons (pitches, lubricating oils, oil).
Hloazma (chloasma) treats the acquired limited melanoses. The nevus pigmentosus which is located mainly on face skin (a forehead, cheeks), the wrong outlines with sharp borders. Hloazma often arises during pregnancy (chloasma gravidarum) and disappears from the beginning of the first puerperal periods, but can remain also many years. Hloazma can be observed at the women suffering from inflammatory processes of generative organs and also at girls during puberty.
Limited pigmentation of a forehead (linea fusca) appears on a face in a forehead in the form of the line about 1 cm wide. The patient with such pigmentation needs to be directed immediately to the neuropathologist as it is often observed at persons with a disease of the central nervous system (brain tumors, encephalitis, syphilis of a nervous system).
Hloazma hepatic (chloasma hepatica) arises at chronic, often recurrent disease of a liver. A nevus pigmentosus is located generally on the side surface of cheeks with transition to a neck. Spots with the expressed reticulum of teleangiectasias have no sharp outlines.
Pigmental circumoral dermatosis of Brock (dermatosis pigmentosa peribuccale Broca). The disease is shown by symmetric pigmentation in a circle of a mouth, chin and in nasolabial folds. It is observed almost only at women. Spots have yellowish-brown color (coffee with milk) and unsharp borders. Disturbances of ovarian function and digestive tract can be the cause of spots.
Secondary pigmentation are observed as a result of regress of a number of skin diseases: red flat depriving, eczemas, pyodermas, neurodermatitis, burns, and also secondary syphilis on site papular rashes.

Face skin hyperpegmentation
Skin Hyperpegmentation reasons:
The reasons of a hyperpegmentation are various. It can be connected with dysfunction of hemadens (adrenal glands and gonads), pregnancy, a disease of a liver and bilious ways. Increase in a pigment in skin is noted also at disturbance of vitamin balance in an organism (especially vitamin C), long intoxication at various persistent infections (tuberculosis, malaria, helminthic invasions), disbolism (a pellagra, a porphyria), after reception of some drugs (an argiriya from silver nitrate). Several kinds of a hyperpegmentation of skin meet.
Treatment of the Hyperpegmentation of skin:
Treatment of hyperpegmentations depends on the reason which caused excess adjournment of a pigment in skin. At toxic melanodermas a necessary condition for treatment is the termination of further contact with products of oil and coal. Inside appoint high doses of ascorbic acid, polyvitamins, methionine, paraaminobenzoic acid. Carry out an oxygenotherapy (8 — 12 sessions).
From outside means at treatment хлоазм apply ointments and lotions with the content of salicylic acid, mercury, пергидроля.
In the conditions of cosmetology offices for treatment хлоазм widely use peeling of skin. The technique of slow peeling consists of 2 stages. In the first carry out keratolytic procedures for removal of a corneous layer of epidermis. In this case apply 5 — 10% salicyl alcohol and a nonsense. The nonsense divorced hydrogen peroxide up to the kashitseobrazny weight is rubbed in face skin. After drying the nonsense is washed away water, and skin is wiped by 5 — 10% with salicyl alcohol.
In 2 days pass to the second stage — rubbing in of 10% of white mercury ointment with a preliminary sensitivity test. The mask from mercury ointment is put for 45 — 50 min. daily within 6 — 7 days.
Other method of peeling consists in daily greasing of face skin of 20% salicyl alcohol within 5 days. The method is admissible only in the conditions of cosmetology establishment.
Contraindications to peeling of skin: multiple teleangiectasias, a hirsutism, hypersensitivity to mercury drugs, pustulous and other skin diseases, and also diseases of kidneys, a pyorrhea, pregnancy and a lactation.
It is not necessary to carry out peeling to the spring and summer period as excess insolation will quickly lead to a recurrence. In the course of treatment and after its termination recommend to use photoprotective creams: "Beam", "Board" or the ointments containing quinine, salol (salol), tannin.
Photoprotective creams apply only in the afternoon. Validity period them rather small — 2 — 3 h (cream "Beam", "Board"); it is slightly more at the photoprotective film containing tannin. Photoprotective creams apply on skin before an exit to the street, powdering a face powder (Rachel, color of suntan, "Southern", "Resort" etc.), to which it is possible to add 3 — 10% (1/2 — 1 teaspoon), quinine of a hydrochloride or salol (salol).
In house conditions recommend lactic, proteinaceous and lemon, barmy masks from 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
Bleaching creams (Melan, "Euphorbia", Akhromin, "Celandine", "Spring") should be applied within 2 — 3 months. Along with topical treatment хлоазм appoint polyvitamins and folic acid. At the hloazma connected with a liver disease in addition to vitamins, appoint 3 — 4 times a day methionine on 0,5 g and other drugs improving function of a liver.