Prevention of HIV infection
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For success of programs of prevention of HIV it is necessary to use all known effective approaches, without being limited to one or several separately taken measures.
It is necessary to include in programs of prevention of a sexual way of transfer of HIV:
- measures of complex sex education of younger generation and formation of a responsible attitude to the health
- comprehensive and exact information on ways of infection of HIV, measures for its prevention (later beginning of sex life, mutual fidelity, restriction of number of sexual partners, abstention, etc.), the circumstances increasing risk of infection
- the exact and complete information about the protected sex, including information on need of constant and correct use of condoms (proceeding from the fact that today condom is the most effective remedy of decrease in risk of transfer of HIV at sexual contacts)
- information on timely and effective treatment of STD.
Programs of prevention of transfer of HIV at the use of injecting drugs are a complex system of measures which includes:
- prevention of abuse of drugs, including the measures directed to formation of a healthy lifestyle, especially among young people, refusal of the use of narcotic substances, decrease in demand for drugs
- full range of effective methods of treatment of a drug addiction
- programs of "decrease in harm", including education of consumers of injecting drugs, including by the principle "equal equal",
- distribution of sterile needles and syringes, programs of a medicamentous maintenance therapy
Now in Russia the growing budgetary appropriations go, generally for mass testing of the population, diagnosis and treatment of LZhV, construction and reconstruction of the AIDS centers, purchase of the medical equipment, etc. However the country still did not enable development and the realization of the comprehensive intensive large-scale system preventive programs which are especially directed to the groups of the population which are the most vulnerable to HIV in spite of the fact that prevention only of one case of infection allows to avoid factor and indirect cost of about 750 thousand dollars.

Human immunodeficiency virus