Serum the antigangrenous polyvalent horse cleared concentrated

Producer: Federal state unitary enterprise NPO Mikrogen Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J06
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">Immune serums and immunoglobulins
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for injections.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 30000 international units (ME) of activity of antitoxins antigangrenous: Cl. perfringens – 10000 ME, Cl. oedematiens – 10000 ME, Cl. septicum – 10000 ME in 1 preventive dose.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. The antibodies which are contained in drug neutralize toxins of anaerobic microbes Cl.perfringens type A, Cl.oedematiens type A, Cl.septicum.
Indications to use:
Treatment and prevention of gas gangrene.
Route of administration and doses:
With the preventive purpose serum is entered intramusculary into shorter terms after wound.
With the medical purpose serum is entered intravenously, very slowly, a drop method, usually into mixes with the solution which is warmed up to chloride sodium body temperature for injections of 0,9% at the rate of 100-400 ml for 100 ml of serum. Serum is warmed up to (36±0,5) °C and entered: in the beginning 1 ml within 5 min., then on 1 ml a minute.
Serum is entered surely by the doctor, or under his observation. The amount of the entered serum depends on a clinical condition of the patient.
Usually medical dose of serum antigangrenous makes 150 thousand ME:
• противоперфрингенс – 50000 ME,
• противоэдематиенс – 50000 ME,
• противосептикум – 50000 ME.
Before administration of serum antigangrenous without fail put an intracutaneous test with serum horse cleared divorced 1:100 (the ampoule is marked in red color) for check of sensitivity of the patient to proteins of serum of a horse. Serum horse cleared divorced 1:100 is entered of 0,1 ml vnutrikozhno into the flexion surface of a forearm (use syringes with scale interval of 0,1 ml and fine needles). The accounting of reaction is carried out in 20 min. Test is considered negative if diameter of hypostasis and (or) the reddening appearing on site introductions – less than 1 cm. Test is considered positive if hypostasis and (or) reddening have a diameter of 1 cm and more.
At a negative intracutaneous test serum antigangrenous (the ampoule is marked in blue color) is entered subcutaneously in number of 0,1 ml. In the absence of reaction in 30 min. enter all appointed serum dose intramusculary (with the preventive purpose) or intravenously (with the medical purpose).
At a positive intracutaneous test serum is entered only according to unconditional indications under observation of the doctor and with special precautions. In the beginning enter under skin serum antigangrenous, divorced in doses of 0,5 ml, 2,0 ml, 5,0 ml (divorced serum is prepared just before use, bringing 0,1 ml of serum antigangrenous in 9,9 ml of sodium of chloride of solution for injections of 0,9%) with an interval of 20 min. In the absence of reaction to these doses enter subcutaneously 0,1 ml of serum antigangrenous. In the absence of reaction in 30 min. enter all appointed amount of serum intramusculary (with the preventive purpose) or intravenously (with the medical purpose).
In case of positive reaction to one of above-mentioned doses, serum antigangrenous do not enter or enter under anesthetic, having the syringe from 0,1% solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum or 0,2% hydrotartrate noradrenaline solution.
All manipulations carry out by separate sterile syringes. The opened ampoule with serum antigangrenous, is closed a sterile napkin, store at a temperature (20+2) ° C no more than 1 hour. The opened ampoule with serum horse cleared to divorced 1:100 storage is not subject.
Features of use:
Considering possibility of shock at administration of serum antigangrenous, behind everyone vaccinated it is necessary to provide medical observation within 1 hour after administration of drug. Venues of inoculations have to be provided with means of antishock therapy.
The persons who received serum antigangrenous have to be warned about need of the immediate request for medical care in case of the signs characteristic of a serum disease.
Drug in ampoules with the broken integrity or the absent marking is unsuitable to use, at change of physical properties (color, transparency, existence of not breaking flakes), at the expired period of validity, at the wrong storage.
Use at pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Use of drug is allowed according to vital indications taking into account possible advantage for mother and risk for a fruit or the child.
Side effects:
Administration of serum can lead to development of an acute anaphylaxis and other allergic reactions of immediate type the, and also symptom complex of a serum disease (temperature increase, skin rashes, arthralgias) appearing in early (2-6) days) and remote (on the 2nd week) terms, lasting from several hours up to several weeks.
Interaction with other medicines:
Are not revealed.
Contraindications for use of serum antigangrenous are absent.
Storage conditions:
Period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Serum antigangrenous polyvalent horse cleared concentrated, solution for injections of 30 000 ME – on 30000 ME in ampoules (on 10 000 ME of each antitoxin). Serum horse cleared divorced 1:100, solution for intradermal introduction – on 1 ml in ampoules. 1 set (1 ampoule of serum antigangrenous (the ampoule is marked in blue color) and 1 ampoule of serum horse cleared divorced 1:100 (the ampoule is marked in red color)) in a plastic insert together with the application instruction and the scarificator ampoule in a pack from a cardboard. When using ampoules with notches, a ring of a break or a point for opening the scarificator ampoule does not invest.