Prevention of whooping cough
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Children up to 7 years adjoining to sick whooping cough are separated for 14 days from the date of isolation of the patient. If the patient was not isolated, duration Karan ooze increases up to 25 days from the beginning of cough at the first sick child. Children are more senior than 7 years and adults are not subject to dissociation, and behind them medical observation within 14 days is established, and at the continuing communication — within 25 days from the beginning of cough at the first diseased.
At communication with sick whooping cough administration of gamma-globulin (hyperimmune antipertussoid) with the preventive purpose is shown to children:
1. Everything, to children of the first year of life.
2. To children 1 years not vaccinated or with unfinished inoculations, weakened by chronic or infectious diseases are more senior (at the discretion of the pediatrician).
Gamma-globulins are entered in a dose of 6 ml (on 3 ml twice at an interval of 1 day). At late identification of the patient with whooping cough administration of gamma-globulin is also reasonable since it facilitates the course of a disease.
The only measure of active prevention is vaccination today. The pertussoid tselnokletochny vaccine for the first time is created more than 70 years ago. With its help it was succeeded to reduce incidence and weight of whooping cough sharply.
Now the corpuscular (tselnokletochny) vaccines containing everything components of a microbic cell are recommended WHO as the main prophylactic of whooping cough. Along with it apply atsellyulyarny (acellular) the vaccines which are not supporting the lipopolisakharidny fractions responsible for development of side reactions.

Outward of the child sick with whooping cough