
Producer: Orisil-Pharm Lviv
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07BC10
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for suspension preparation.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent: 1 bottle includes high-disperse powder of silicon of dioxide 12 g.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Atoksil – an enterosorbent with the expressed sorption properties, shows disintoxication, antimicrobic, wound healing action. Adsorbs from a digestive tract and brings out of an organism endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of a different origin, including food-borne and bacterial allergens, microbic endotoxins and other toxic agents, toxic products that are formed in the course of rotting of proteins in intestines.
Promotes transport from internal environment of an organism (blood, a lymph, an interstitium) in a digestive tract at the expense of concentration and osmotic gradients of various toxic products, including average molecules, oligopeptid, amines and other substances with further removal from an organism.
Pharmacokinetics. Drug is practically not soaked up.
Indications to use:
The acute intestinal diseases which are followed by a diarrheal syndrome (salmonelyoza, food toxicoinfections); in complex therapy of a viral hepatitis And yes V. Naruzhno – treatments of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns.
Route of administration and doses:
The bottle with powder is opened, add drinking water to a tag of 250 ml and shaken up to formation of homogeneous suspension. 1 ml of suspension includes about 50 mg of drug.
The prepared water suspension of drug is accepted inside for an hour to food or reception of medicines.
The daily dose of Atoksil for adults and children of 7 years makes 12 g, if necessary can be increased to 24 g; for children from 1 to 7 years – 150 - 200 mg on 1 kg of body weight. The daily dose of Atoksil is distributed on 3 - 4 receptions. The maximum single dose of drug should not exceed half of a daily dose.
At acute intestinal diseases of treatment it is reasonable to begin with the maximum single dose, calculated on the basis of 7-10 g on one reception, 2-3 times a day. If the patient cannot accept an enterosorbent independently, Atoksil's suspension is entered into a stomach via the probe.
The course of treatment makes 3-5 days. In hard cases according to the recommendation of the doctor it can be continued up to 10-15 days.
Treatment of a viral hepatitis is carried out in the doses stated above. Duration of a course makes 7-10 days and depends on weight of a course of a disease.
Outside uses. It is necessary to apply on previously cleared wound, apply powder with a layer of 3 - 5 mm and close dry aseptic a bandage. Bandagings do in a day, before clarification of a wound.
Features of use:
The use through a mouth of dry powder which saws can cause irritation of mucous membranes and upper respiratory tracts is not recommended.
Atoksil at use he in complex therapy should be accepted for an hour before reception of other peroral medicines through their possible adsorption and respectively decrease in efficiency.
Because data about Atoksil's uses during pregnancy and feeding by a breast are absent, purpose of drug in these cases is not recommended.
Side effects:
Drug it is usually good to be transferred. In isolated cases – a lock.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use of Atoksil with acetylsalicylic acid усилялись processes of disaggregation of thrombocytes.
In complex therapy with niacin and simvastatiny Atoksil shows synergy action - promotes decrease in level of atherogenous fractions of a lipidic range of blood and increase in level of cholesterol of lipoproteins of high density.
Atoksil's use at a detoxication sorbtsiiniya intrakorporalniya in association with standard solutions of antiseptic agents (Furacilin, бифуран, трифуран, a hlorgeksidina биглюконат, etc.) increases efficiency of treatment of pyoinflammatory diseases.
Hypersensitivity to silicon to dioxide, a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum in a stage an aggravation, ulcers and erosion of mucous membranes of thin and thick departments intestines, impassability of intestines.
About cases the overdose of messages was not.
Storage conditions:
To store in the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C. Period of validity-3 years.
To keep ready suspension in densely closed bottle at a temperature from 8 to 15 °C no more than 32 watch.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe