Prevention of a malignant anthrax
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Epidemiological surveillance is directed to identification of groups and time of risk. As well as at other zoonoza, exchange of information of health and veterinary workers is of great importance. Permanently unsuccessful points (the settlement, a livestock farm, a pasture, the natural boundary in the territory of which the epizootic center irrespective of a limitation period of its emergence is found) and the soil centers (cattle mortuaries, biothermal holes and other places of burial of corpses of the animals who fell from a malignant anthrax) are subject to the strict account. Carry out active observation of incidence of animals and persons from risk groups.
Preventive actions include veterinary and medical and sanitary actions. The veterinary service carries out identification, the account, certification of points, unsuccessful on a malignant anthrax, and also planned immunization of animals, control of a condition of cattle mortuaries, pastures, livestock objects, observance of appropriate conditions at preparation, storage, transportation and processing of animal raw materials.
The complex of medical and sanitary actions includes control of the general sanitary situation in points, unsuccessful on a malignant anthrax, and also at preparation, storage, transportation and processing of raw materials of animal origin. Identification of sick people, their hospitalization, holding actions in the centers of an infection carries out health service. Planned vaccinal prevention is carried out among persons of the certain professions which are put the increased risk of infection with a malignant anthrax. It first of all the persons working with live anthracic cultures, the zooveterinary workers and other persons which are professionally occupied with the reduboyny maintenance of the cattle, and also slaughter, cutting of hulks and removal of skins, the persons occupied with collecting, storage, transportation and primary processing of raw materials of animal origin. Immunoprevention is carried out by double introduction of a live vaccine with an interval of 21 days. The revaccination is carried out annually.
Preventive disinfection is carried out in points, livestock farms, permanently unsuccessful on a malignant anthrax, in points of slaughter of the cattle, at the plants processing products and raw materials of animal origin and also in points of its preparation, storage and in transit by all means of transport. 2 times a year recommend to carry out it.
Actions in the epidemic center
The patient is hospitalized in infectious diseases hospital (or infectious department). For patient care allocate with a severe form of a malignant anthrax separate medical personnel. Recovered from a skin form of a malignant anthrax write out from a hospital after epithelization and scarring of ulcers on site of the disappeared scab. At a septic form the extract is carried out after clinical recovery. Dispensary observation behind had is not regulated.
Corpses of the people who died of laboratory confirmed malignant anthrax are not exposed to opening. In urgent cases opening the doctor with obligatory disinfection of the room, all objects, tools, dressing gowns, gloves carries out, footwear, etc. Burial of corpses of the people who died of a malignant anthrax is carried out at the usual cemetery. When the corpse was not opened, before carrying out from the room it is stacked in the coffin covered by a cellophane film, the same film densely close a corpse from above for an exception of contact with face skin and corpse hands. At burial of the corpse which underwent opening under a cellophane film on a bottom of a coffin fill a layer of dry chloric lime.
Dissociation of contact persons is not carried out. For adjoining to a sick animal or the person establish medical observation before complete elimination of the center. The emergency prevention is shown during the first 5 days of contact; it will be out to the people adjoining to the material which is containing the activator or its disputes, taking part in slaughter and cutting of carcasses of the animal who appeared the patient with a malignant anthrax, and also to persons who were looking after sick animals and taking part in burial of their corpses, preparing or eating food from meat of a sick animal. For this purpose apply antibiotics (phenoxymethylpenicillin on 1 mg 3 times a day within 5 days, tetracycline on 0,5 mg 3 times a day or other antibiotics). In the center carry out disinfection.

Malignant anthrax