Immunoglobulin of the person anti-staphylococcal

Producer: Federal state unitary enterprise NPO Mikrogen Russia
Code of automatic telephone exchange: J06BA01
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution for intramuscular introduction.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 100 ME immunoglobulins of the person of solution, anti-staphylococcal in 3 ml.
Excipients: glycine, sodium chloride.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. An effective agent of drug are the immunoglobulins having activity of the antibodies neutralizing staphylococcal exotoxin (alphastaphylolysin).
Indications to use:
— treatment of diseases of a staphylococcal etiology at children and adults.
Route of administration and doses:
Immunoglobulin anti-staphylococcal liquid is entered intramusculary into an upper outside quadrant of a gluteus or into the outside surface of a hip. Before an ampoule injection with drug maintain about a current of 2 hours at the room temperature from 18 to 22 °C.
Opening of ampoules and the procedure of introduction are carried out at strict observance of rules of an asepsis and antiseptics. In order to avoid foaming drug is gathered in the syringe a needle with a wide gleam. Drug in the opened ampoule is not subject to storage.
The dose of drug and frequency rate of its introduction depends on indications to use:
- at a generalized staphylococcal infection the minimum one-time rod makes 5 ME anti-alphastaphylolysins on 1 kg of body weight (for children less than 5 years the single dose of drug has to be not less than 100 ME);
- at the localized diseases the minimum single dose makes not less than 100 ME.
The course of treatment consists of 3 - 5 injections which are carried out daily or every other day depending on disease severity and therapeutic effect.
Features of use:
Use for children. Use for children according to indications is possible.
Side effects:
Reactions to administration of immunoglobulin, as a rule, are absent. In rare instances local reactions in the form of a hyperemia and temperature increase to 37.5 °C within the first days after administration of drug can develop.
At certain people with the changed reactivity allergic reactions of various type, and in exclusively exceptional cases - an acute anaphylaxis, in this regard people to whom it was entered преппрат can develop, have to within 30 minutes after its introduction be under medical observation.
Venues of inoculations have to be provided with means of antishock therapy.
Administration of immunoglobulin is registered in the established registration forms with the indication of the manufacturing enterprise, number of a series, date of issue, a period of validity, Date of Introduction, a dose and the nature of reaction to introduction.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not established.
— use of immunoglobulin of the person anti-staphylococcal is contraindicated to the persons which had heavy allergic reactions to introduction of blood preparations of the person in the anamnesis;
— in cases of heavy sepsis the only contraindication for use of drug is the acute anaphylaxis at introduction of blood preparations of the person in the anamnesis;
— and during the next 8 days purpose of antihistaminic drugs is recommended to the persons having allergic diseases or having clinically expressed allergic reactions in the anamnesis in day of administration of immunoglobulin;
— to the persons suffering from immune general diseases (diseases of blood, connecting fabric, nephrite, etc.), it is necessary to administer the drug against the background of the corresponding therapy;
— drug пе is suitable for use if integrity of ampoules or their marking is broken, physical properties (opacification, discoloration, existence of not breaking flakes) are changed, at the expired period of validity and not observance of storage conditions.
Storage conditions:
Transportation according to the joint venture at a temperature from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed. Storage according to the joint venture at a temperature from 2 to 8 °C in the place, unavailable to children. Freezing is not allowed. A period of validity - 2 years. Drug is not subject to expired use.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
3 ml - ampoules (10) - packs cardboard.