- Description
- Asystolia symptoms
- Asystolia reasons
- Treatment of the Asystolia
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The asystolia is the termination of bioelectric activity involving a stop of sedrets, and then clinical death.
Asystolia symptoms:
Sudden disappearance of pulse, cordial tones, arterial pressure is characteristic of a clinical picture of an asitoliya. Then the patient sharply faints, there comes pallor, breath stops. Through 45 expansion of pupils which reaches a maximum in 1 min. 45 pages begins with later termination of cerebral circulation.
For confirmation of the diagnosis use a method of registration of electric impulses, so-called the ECG (electrocardiography). The ECG can confirm lack of electric activity of heart, but treatment is begun before electrocardiographic confirmation.

Changes on the electrocardiogram at an asystolia
Asystolia reasons:
The asystolia can come initially (instantly), and after the arrhythmia preceding it. The instant termination of cordial reductions indicates possible development of "short circuit" in biopotentials of heart and is most characteristic of acute ischemia. If before emergence of an asystolia various disturbances of a rhythm, most often fibrillations of ventricles were registered for some time, it is accepted to think of exhaustion of power stocks of a cardiac muscle. At the same time there is a sharp insufficiency of ATP that finally leads to an atony of a cardiac muscle.
Asystolia cases at overdose of cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic means, an electric trauma, an anesthesia, endocardiac manipulations and heavy general metabolic disturbances are also frequent.
Risk factors for emergence of an asystolia are: instability of a nervous system, the accompanying endocrine diseases, heavy intoxications, a cachexia , etc.
Treatment of the Asystolia:
At detection of clinical signs of an asystolia it is necessary to begin that hour performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation - carrying out an outside cardiac massage, artificial respiration (in the absence of bystry effect - an intubation or tracheotomy and use of special devices), perhaps earlier electric cardiac activation. For the purpose of the last use of chrezkozhny urgent cardiac activation is necessary (EX-). If electric stimulation is impossible, enter vnutriserdechno 0,5-1 ml of 0,1% of solution of adrenaline and 5 ml of 10% of solution of calcium chloride. In parallel organizovut intravenous access (catheter) where enter intravenously kapelno enter noradrenaline, hydrosodium carbonate (150-200 ml of 5% of solution).

Medical tactics at an asystolia