Prevention of a myocardial infarction
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Primary prevention is directed to disease prevention. It includes standard precautions, basic of which: increase in physical activity, control of body weight and refusal of addictions. Besides, normalization of arterial pressure and lipidic range of blood. For primary prevention of a heart attack at patients with stenocardia and the increased arterial pressure it is necessary to use acetylsalicylic acid (ASK) – "the gold standard" of medicinal prevention of a myocardial infarction All these actions are fair also for secondary prevention (the prevention of a repeated heart attack).
1. Control of body weight.
In each extra kilo of fatty tissue there is a set of blood vessels that sharply increases load of heart. Besides, excess weight promotes increase in arterial pressure, development of a diabetes mellitus of the second type, and, therefore, considerably increases risk. For control of weight the special indicator – a body weight index is used. For its definition weight (in kilograms) needs to be divided into growth (in meters) squared. The indicator of 20-25 kg/sq.m is normal, figures of 35-29,9 kg/sq.m speak about excess body weight, and higher than 30 – about obesity. Control of an index of body weight, certainly, takes the important place in treatment and prevention of a myocardial infarction.
2. Diet.
The diet provides existence of a large number of green vegetables, root crops, fruit, fishes, bread of a rough grinding. Red meat is replaced with fowl. Besides, it is necessary to limit amount of the consumed salt. All this enters a concept of the Mediterranean diet.
3. Exercise stresses.
Physical activity promotes decrease in body weight, lipid metabolism improvement, decrease in level of sugar of blood. The complex and level of possible loadings need to be stipulated with the doctor. Regular physical exercises reduce risk of a repeated heart attack approximately by 30%.
4. Refusal of addictions.
Smoking considerably aggravates a picture of coronary heart disease. Nicotine has vasoconstrictive effect that is extremely dangerous. The risk of a repeated myocardial infarction at smokers increases twice.
The alcohol abuse is inadmissible. It worsens the course of coronary heart disease and associated diseases. Perhaps one-time consumption of a small amount of alcohol with food. Anyway, it is necessary to discuss it with the attending physician.
5. Cholesterol level in blood.
It is defined within a lipidic range of blood (a set of indicators on which progressing of atherosclerosis depends, the main reason of coronary heart disease) and is the basic from them. Study a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="">norms of bad and good cholesterol for men and women on age. At the increased level of cholesterol the course of treatment special drugs is appointed.
6. Control of arterial pressure
The increased arterial pressure noticeably raises load of heart. Especially, it worsens the forecast after the postponed myocardial infarction. Also the hypertension promotes progressing of atherosclerosis. Level of systolic (upper) arterial pressure below 140 mm Hg is considered optimum, and diastolic (lower) – it is not higher than 90 mm Hg. Higher figures are dangerous and demand correction of the scheme of administration of drugs, lowering pressure.
7. Blood sugar level.
Existence of the dekompensirovanny (not adjusted) diabetes mellitus negatively influences on the course of coronary heart disease. It is connected with harmful action on hyperglycemia vessels (the raised blood sugar level). It is necessary to watch this indicator constantly, and at the raised sugar it is obligatory to consult with the endocrinologist for correction of the scheme of treatment.
The checked "gold standard" in medicinal prevention of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction is acetylsalicylic acid.

Development of a myocardial infarction