Aortocoronary shunting
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Aortocoronary shunting (AKSh) is the standard surgical way of treatment of a disease. This method confirmed the safety and efficiency for a long time. In decades the wide experience is accumulated and considerable success in performance of these operations is achieved. AKSh is eurysynusic and rather simple operation today.
AKSh is a surgical intervention as a result of which the heart blood stream below the place of narrowing of a vessel is recovered. At this surgical manipulation around the place of narrowing create other way for a blood-groove to that part of heart which was not supplied with blood.
The section providing access to heart will be executed on the middle of a thorax, it will pass across the average line of a breast. The second section or cuts, usually carry out standing. Exactly there surgeons will take a piece of a vein which will be used for shunting.
Veins from legs undertake not in all cases, but is very frequent. The matter is that veins of legs usually happen rather "pure", not affected with atherosclerosis.
Besides, these veins are longer and larger than other organism veins, available to capture. At last, after capture of a piece of a vein from a leg, usually there are no problems further. Blood circulation is not broken.
In the first weeks after operation at the patient the leg can ache a bit a little, especially when walking or long standing. Over time this inconvenience passes, and the patient feels absolutely normally.
By the most frequent and preferable to shunting it is used internal chest and beam arteries. It provides fuller functioning of the shunt (its functionality and durability).
One of such arteries is the beam artery of a hand, it is located on the internal surface of a forearm closer to a thumb.
If to you will suggest to use this artery, your doctor will conduct the additional researches excluding emergence of any complications connected with a harvesting of this artery. Therefore one of cuts can be located on a hand usually on left.
The internal chest artery undertakes from under a breast, usually left, but are in certain cases used the right and left VGA. Its sufficient diameter and lack of atherosclerotic defeat is defined when carrying out coronary angiography.

Performance technique aortocoronary shunting