Eye siderosis
- Description
- Eye siderosis reasons
- Eye siderosis symptoms
- Treatment of a siderosis of an eye
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Adjournment in fabrics and environments of an eye of organic and inorganic salts of iron at long stay in an eye of ferriferous foreign bodys (splinters of steel, cast iron, etc.).
Eye siderosis reasons:
The essence of process consists in slow dissolution of a ferriferous splinter, in treatment of tissues of eye inorganic and organic salts of iron and their strong connection with proteinaceous structures of cells. Distinguish a direct siderosis at which compounds of iron are postponed around a splinter, and indirect when they are fixed in an insoluble form, far from a splinter. The siderosis arising because of an intraocular ferriferous splinter is called xenogenic unlike hematogenous, developing from blood elements at hemorrhages.
Eye siderosis symptoms:
The indirect siderosis is of great importance. Its first signs are found usually in several months after implementation of a splinter. Sometimes for this purpose much bigger term is required. Development and the course of process are influenced by many factors (the splinter size, its chemical composition, localization in an eye, etc.). In a cornea the direct siderosis — pigmentation of brown color around a splinter is usually observed. It is necessary to refer emergence of a fine-grained yellowish-brown pigment in a stroma of a cornea to the phenomena of an indirect siderosis and adjournment it in the form of dust on a cornea endothelium from an anterior chamber that causes brown opalescence it. An anterior chamber at an indirect siderosis of usually normal depth. She is deep in a dalekozashedshy stage of process at damage of tsinnovy ligaments and an incomplete dislocation of a crystalline lens. At biomicroscopy moisture of an anterior chamber can opalestsirovat slightly due to maintenance in it the most fine particles of salts of iron.
The iris of the eye has rusty or yellowish-brown coloring that is connected with adjournment of a pigment or on its surface (in crypts), or in its stroma. In a dalekozashedshy stage of process sluggish reaction of a pupil to light, a mydriasis is observed, and in these cases the pupil not always reacts to accommodation and convergence. In a corner of an anterior chamber at гониоскопин strengthening of pigmentation of trabeculas comes to light.
In a crystalline lens under the front capsule deposits of the smallest brown grains of a pigment are found. In the beginning they have an appearance of very small plaques, then the thin pigmental rings formed of a set of plaques. In later stage development of a cataract is possible. sometimes a crystalline lens incomplete dislocation in connection with a degeneration of tsinnovy sheaves. At a research in the passing light in a vitreous the expressed destruction, opacifications, and also education шварт are defined. Thinner changes in a type of a fine-grained golden and rusty suspension come to light at biomicroscopy. At some patients of change in a vitreous at localization of a splinter in it precede clinical manifestations of a metalloz in other covers and liquids of an eye. Changes in a mesh cover have character of the pigmental centers reminding "bone little bodies" at its pigmental degeneration. In hard cases the grayish and pale disk owing to the ascending atrophy of an optic nerve is observed. At long development of process decrease in sight, narrowing of a field of vision, decrease in dark adaptation are possible. One of symptoms of a siderosis is the hemeralopia.

Eye siderosis
Treatment of a siderosis of an eye:
Removal of a ferriferous splinter from an eye (see. Foreign body of an eye and eye-socket). Injections of 5% of solution of Unithiolum intramusculary on 5 ml daily, only 15 injections, and under a conjunctiva on 0,2 ml daily, 15 injections; installations of 5% of solution of sodium thiosulphate of 5 — 6 times a day on 2 drops. Vitamin therapy. Drug treatment of a siderosis of an eye gives insignificant effect.
The forecast depends on a process stage by the time of removal of a foreign body. After removal of a splinter process can stop. At long existence of a siderosis sometimes there are an iridocyclitis, a cataract, the retina amotio leading to sharp decrease in visual acuity.