- Description
- Micrognatia reasons
- Treatment of a micrognatia
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The micrognatia is a term which describes abnormally small mandible. Детяс with a micrognatia special nipples can be required to feed correctly. The micrognatia often improves itself during growth, especially during puberty when the jaw grows very little.

Micrognatia and methods of its correction
Micrognatia reasons:
The micrognatia can be caused by certain hereditary diseases and syndromes. The micrognatia is one of the reasons of abnormal alignment of teeth. It is possible to be convinced of it having looked as teeth близько are to each other. Enough place for growth of teeth will not be frequent. It makes sense to wait for treatment of this disease until the child grew up. The micrognatia can be a part of other genetic syndromes, including:
- Marfan's syndrome
- Pierre Robin's syndrome
- Progeria
- Russell's syndrome
- Trisomy 13
- Trisomy 18
- Turner's syndrome
Treatment of a micrognatia:
Among many offered operations of the most reasonable, it is necessary to recognize Semenchenko's operation.
It consists in a vydviganiye of a considerable part of an upper jaw forward after a horizontal osteotomy of this jaw. Under an endotracheal anesthesia or bilateral conduction anesthesia do a horizontal section of a mucous membrane and periosteum on a transitional fold throughout an alveolar shoot on the right and at the left. The second section of a mucous membrane and periosteum is carried out perpendicular to the first on a bridle of an upper lip down to a horizontal section. The raspatory the mucous membrane is separated from the front surfaces of both maxillary bones in front to the level of nizhneglaznichny edge of an orbit and a malar, and behind — to a pterygopalatine pole. Then a round circular saw cut a bone of an upper jaw from bottom edge of piriform opening horizontally of a kzada through a skuloalveolyarny crest under a malar to the upper edge of a hillock of an upper jaw. The same operation is made on other party.
The careful movements without big effort break off a lower part of an upper jaw from alate shoots of the main bone. After that a mobile part of an upper jaw easily manages to be pushed forward and to put teeth in the correct bite. In this new situation the lower part of an upper jaw is reliably fixed by means of intra oral tires and intermaxillary rubber draft. Mucous and periosteal rags stack on the place. The wound of a mucous membrane is taken in seams from a catgut. The term of fixing is not less than 2 months. As a result of operation face contours get a normal form, retraction on average department of the person and upper lip is eliminated, the normal ratio of teeth of upper and lower jaws is recovered.