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Polyphagia — the disturbance of a feeding behavior which is shown the increased appetite and gluttony. The person feels the constant need for food.

Polyphagia symptoms:

The symptom in itself does not bear danger to life and health, but because it is only a symptom of more serious disease, it is not necessary to disregard it. A symptom of serious pathology is the situation when the polyphagia is followed by decrease in body weight.

Polyphagia reasons:

The reasons of this state can be various, they can be divided into 3 groups conditionally.
Psychogenic disturbances. A number of morbid mental conditions is resulted by disturbance of adequate assessment of amount of the eaten food, also in certain cases this behavior is way of fight against stressful states.
Alimentary disturbances. At this pathology for any reason there is insufficient a receipt in an organism of nutrients. Both their deficit in the arriving food, and various disturbances of the enzymatic systems which are responsible for their assimilation in a human body can be the cause.
Endocrine pathology. As a result of disturbance of humoral regulation at endocrine pathology all types of standard metabolism can suffer. So, for example, at a diabetes mellitus glucose metabolism is broken, and at a thyrotoxicosis metabolism of an organism in general accelerates.

Treatment of the Polyphagia:

In the presence of similar symptomatology hospitalization of the patient in a hospital where the fullest examination of the patient for the purpose of installation of an origin of this clinic is conducted is made.

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