
Producer: Orion Pharma (Orion of Pharm) Finland
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A07CA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Powder for oral solution.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 2,5 g of potassium of chloride, 3,5 g of sodium of chloride, 2,9 g of sodium of citrate, 10 g of glucose anhydrous.
Excipients: no.
Drug for correction of power and electrolytic balance. Recovers the water and electrolytic balance broken at organism dehydration; adjusts acidosis.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Regidron's solution is applied to correction of loss of electrolytes and liquid at diarrhea and vomiting. Glucose promotes absorption of salts and citrates that helps to balance acid-base balance of blood. Osmolarity of solution of Regidron makes 260 ¼«ß¼/l, pH alkalescent – 8,2.
Regidron's solution contains the following amounts of substances on 1 liter of solution:
Sodium chloride of 59,9 mmol
Potassium chloride of 33,5 mmol
Sodium citrate of 11,2 mmol
Glucose of 55,5 mmol
Na + 71,2 mmol
K + 33,5 mmol
Cl− 93,5 mmol
Citrate of 11,2 mmol
In comparison with the standard solutions for a peroral regidratation recommended to WHO Regidron's osmolality is slightly lower (efficiency of solutions for a regidratation with reduced osmolarity is well proved), concentration of sodium is slightly lower (to prevent development of a hypernatremia), and the content of potassium is higher (for more bystry recovery of level of potassium).
Pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetics of water, the electrolytes and glucose which are Regidron's part corresponds to natural pharmacokinetics of these substances in an organism.
Indications to use:
Recovery of water and electrolytic balance, correction of acidosis at acute diarrhea (including cholera), diarrheas with easy or average degree of dehydration, at the thermal defeats connected with disturbances of water and electrolytic exchange. In the preventive purposes: the thermal and exercise stresses leading to intensive sweating.
Route of administration and doses:
Powder of 1 bag is dissolved in 1 l of boiled water. Ready solution is cooled to room temperature and once again mixed before the use.
Ready solution should be accepted after each liquid chair, small drinks. In 4–10 hours of 50-100 ml/kg of body weight. After the first stage of a regidratation Regidron's solution should be given on 10 ml/kg of body weight after each liquid chair. At children 3 years are more senior and adults in the first 4–6 hours the dose of solution of Regidron can make 500–1000 ml, then on 200 ml after each liquid chair. If diarrhea is followed by vomiting, then it is necessary again to allow to the patient to drink Regidron's solution in 10 min. after vomiting.
Features of use:
Heavy dehydration (loss of weight> of 10%, anury) has to be treated first of all with use of intravenous drugs for a regidratation. After that for treatment of diarrhea Regidron can be used.
The recommended doses of drug should not be exceeded if need of the patient for additional administration of electrolytes is not confirmed with laboratory researches.
The drug bag Regidron should be dissolved in 1 l of water. If the dose is exceeded, at the patient the hypernatremia can develop.
Patients at whom dehydration developed against the background of a renal failure of diabetes or other chronic diseases breaking acid-base, electrolytic or carbohydrate balance demand careful monitoring when performing therapy by drug Regidron, up to hospitalization.
During drug use Regidron there can be following situations demanding medical intervention:
• the patient has a bradyarthria, he quickly is exhausted, appears drowsiness, he does not answer questions;
• temperature increases above 39 °C;
• release of urine stops;
• there are liquid bloody excrements;
• diarrhea lasts more than 5 days;
• diarrhea suddenly stops, severe pains develop;
• if treatment at home not successfully or is impossible.
In the recommended doses Regidron can be used at pregnancy and a lactation.
Food of the patient or breastfeeding should not be interrupted during performing peroral rehydration therapy or they have to be continued at once after carrying out a regidratation. It is recommended to avoid the food rich with fats and simple carbohydrates.
For prevention of dehydration drug use Regidron should be begun as soon as diarrhea began. Usually it is necessary to use drug no more than three-four days, treatment stops with the termination of diarrhea.
If the patient has a nausea or vomiting, it is desirable to give solution the chilled small repeating doses. It is also possible to use the nazogastralny probe under observation of the doctor.
It is impossible to add any other components to solution not to break effect of drug.
Before an initiation of treatment of the patient it is necessary to weigh to estimate loss of weight and degree of dehydration.
Side effects:
At observance of the recommended doses side effects are improbable.
Interaction with other medicines:
Solution of drug has alkalescent reaction therefore can influence medicines which absorption depends on intestines contents pH.
Hyperpotassemia, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension ІІ-ІІІ severity.
At introduction of too large number or at introduction of too strong solution of Regidron emergence of a hypernatremia and hyperpotassemia is possible. Patients with reduced function of kidneys can have a metabolic alkalosis. Symptoms of a hypernatremia include weakness, neuromuscular excitement, drowsiness, the confused consciousness, a coma, sometimes even an apnoea. The metabolic alkalosis can be shown in decrease in ventilation of the lungs, neuromuscular excitement and tetanic spasms.
In case of strong overdose with the expressed effects Regidron's introduction has to be stopped. It is necessary to see a doctor. Correction of balance of electrolytes and liquid has to be carried out by the doctor on the basis of these laboratory researches.
Storage conditions:
To store at the room temperature (15–25 °C) in dry, protected from light, the place, unavailable to children. To store ready solution in the refrigerator at a temperature (+2-+8 °C) no more than 48 hours.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
20 packages from aluminum foil in cardboard packaging.