Prevention of a stroke
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Prevention of a stroke is directed to elimination of risk factors of its development. The arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, a diabetes mellitus, smoking, the increased body weight, a hypercholesterolemia belong to the most significant risk factors which are giving in to correction.
The main steps directed to prevention of a stroke:
1. Refusal of addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs, food rich with fats and digestible carbohydrates, salt);
2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle (regular exercise stresses; food with emphasis on the use of vegetables, low-fat grades of meat, 1 glass of red wine at supper);
3. Laboratory inspections (to carry out once a year): ALT, nuclear heating plant, ShchF, general bilirubin and its fractions, creatinine, lipidic range, glucose.
4. Tool inspections (to carry out once a year): An ECG, ultrasonography of ekstrakranialny and intracranial arteries of a brain, survey of an eyeground by the oculist, brain MRT (if there was a stroke earlier).
5. Strict observance of medicinal appointments of the doctor: with the increased arterial pressure - reception of antihypertensives; at cardiac arrhythmia – reception of antiarrhytmic means; at a diabetes mellitus – reception of hypoglycemic means; at the had stroke – reception of antithrombocytic and antiagregantny means.

Development of a stroke of a brain