Pain in a face
- Description
- Pain symptoms in a face
- The Pain reasons in a face
- Treatment of Pain in a face
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Pain in a face is any pain which extends to all person or is localized around any specific part of the face, for example, around a nose, eyes, etc. Pain in a face can be the first symptom of a neuralgic disease.
Pain symptoms in a face:
Pains can have different character. One of types of pain – trigeminal neuralgia (acute, sudden pain in one part of the face).
The Pain reasons in a face:
Many diseases are followed by pain in a face - such as acute sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia, pathologies of maxillary joints.

Projections of defeat of a nervous system to topographical face zones
Treatment of Pain in a face:
For treatment of disturbances in functioning of maxillary joints use generally treatment by means of heat and ice, the diet consisting of soft and not hot dishes and also antiinflammatory medicines.
1. Relaxation of jaws: It is important not to hold teeth constantly compressed.
2. Treatment by means of heat and ice: Such therapy helps to reduce tension and spasms of muscles. After an injury of a joint imposing of a compress with ice is recommended.
3. Medicines: Antiinflammatory medicines, for example, ibuprofen or diclofenac.
4. Physiotherapeutic treatment: Passive opening and closing of a jaw, massage, electric stimulation help to relieve pain and increase amplitude of movements and endurance of joints.
5. Regulation of tension.
6. Treatment of a bite: Special acrylic adaptation on teeth is recommended to use during sleep or all day. It to a bite korrektiruyetsil also eliminates gnashing with teeth and their strong tightening.
7. Correction of a bite: Corrective dental therapy, for example, orthodontics, corrects a bite.