Bilberry MICK

Producer: Minskinterkaps Unitary Enterprise Republic of Belarus
Code of automatic telephone exchange: S01XA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: 177 mg of extract of bilberry dry standardized (in terms of antotsianidina - 44,25 mg).
Excipients: lecithin, beeswax, sunflower oil.
Structure of a cover of the capsule: gelatin, глицерол, titanium dioxide, the water purified Natrium benzoicum, dyes - diamond blue (E133), ferrous oxide black (E172), carmoisin (E122).
The drug possessing antiinflammatory and antioxidant action, improving exchange in light-sensitive elements of a retina, microcirculation and rheological properties of blood.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacological activity is caused by complex action of components of dry extract of bilberry, the antotsianidina relating to bioflavonoids are basic of which.
Dry extract of bilberry contains 11 antotsianin which consist of the main 5 aglikonov-antotsianidin: delphidin, петунидин, пеонидин, мальвидин, cyanidine. Antotsianidina have the antioxidant, anticarcinogen, antiinflammatory, desensibilizing properties, suppress putrefactive processes in intestines, stimulate reparative processes, possess the healing, antiedematous, sosudoukreplyayushchy action, interfere with formation of blood clots, slow down development of a diabetic retinopathy and well influence a retina of eyes at diabetes, suppress pathological mechanisms of formation of a cataract, promote reduction of short-sightedness.
Cyanidine and мальвидин possess cytotoxic action. Delphidin suppresses proliferation of growth of an endothelium of vessels that plays an important role in stabilization of atherosclerosis and development of cancer tumors.
Anthocyans recover a α-tokoferoksilny radical to α-tocopherol.......... Antotsianidina regenerations of a light-sensitive pigment of a retina – rhodopsin promote; improve an eye retina trophicity, stimulate its microcirculation; recover fabric mechanisms of protection of a retina; strengthen a collagenic matrix of connecting fabric; stimulate synthesis of a glikozaminoglikan – a component of connecting fabric at the expense of what do retina capillaries by stronger; stabilize phospholipids of cellular membranes; inhibit the peroxide oxidation of lipids caused by free radicals. Thus, sensitivity of a retina to various levels of light radiation improves and visual acuity at low illumination amplifies.
Antotsianidina – the strongest vegetable polyphenolic antioxidants, free radicals effectively neutralize, interrupting negative pathogenetic bonds in development about 100 diseases including processes of free radical oxidation of tissues of retina of an eye and a crystalline lens. High antioxidant activity of antotsianidin of bilberry is caused by the high unpaired density of phenolic oxygen radicals, derivative antotsianin.
Owing to the expressed antioxidant effect of an antotsionozida block peroxide oxidation of lipids which is one of glaucoma pathogeny links.
Reduce synthesis and emission in a blood channel of histamines, proteases, prostaglandins and leukotrienes that prevents emergence of inflammatory reactions in an organism.
Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetic researches of antotsianidin showed that these substances are quickly and effectively soaked up in a stomach, come to a liver in the form of intact and metabolizirovanny forms, are distributed in various fabrics. Allocation happens to urine and bile. After one-time reception concentration of antotsianidin in plasma reaches a maximum in 15 minutes and then quickly decreases during 2 h. Despite limited gastrointestinal absorption and low absolute bioavailability (1-2% of the entered dose), the maximum value in plasma (2-3 mkg/ml) after oral reception is in the range of biological activity for these substances.
Indications to use:
Medicine Bilberry MICK is shown as means of nonspecific antioxidant therapy for prevention and complex treatment:
- short-sightedness;
- diabetic retinopathy;
- azotemic retinitis;
- disturbances of mechanisms of adaptation of sight to darkness both at night, and at twilight sight;
- dystrophic diseases of a retina;
- to a cataract;
- occlusions of vessels of a retina;
- a visual asthenopia (including at children since 7 years).
Bilberry MICK is applied to prevention of deterioration in sight at high visual loading, work with the computer, to elimination of signs of visual exhaustion, and also in complex recovery therapy at states after an operative measure (FRK, when peeling a retina, etc.).
Route of administration and doses:
Appoint on 1 capsule 1-3 times a day. A use course - 7 - 21 day.
Features of use:
Does not influence a possibility of driving of the car, work with the equipment.
Drug in this dosage form is not appointed to children under 6 years.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not described.
Contraindication to use of medicine is hypersensitivity to its components.
Pregnancy and lactation. Adequate and well controlled clinical trials of safety and efficiency of use of drug during pregnancy and a lactation it was not carried out.
About cases of overdose of the drug Bilberry MICK it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
Drug should be stored in the unavailable to children, protected from moisture and light place at a temperature from 15 °C to 25 °C. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 10 pieces of capsules in blister strip packagings, on 2 strip packagings in a cardboard box.