Anzibel (with taste of menthol)

Producer: JSC Nobel Almatinskaya Pharmatsevticheskaya Fabrika Republic of Kazakhstan
Code of automatic telephone exchange: R02AA
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets for a rassasyvaniye.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients: 5 mg of a hlorgeksidin of a hydrochloride, 4 mg of benzocaine, 3 mg of an enoksolon.
Excipients: menthol fragrance as flavoring substances, potassium to atsesulfa, sorbitol as sweeteners.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Tablets for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol warn the typical / characteristic concern which is shown in the form of local irritation in oropharyngeal area due to antiseptic effect of a hlorgeksidin, antiinflammatory effect of an enoksolon on a bukkofaringealny (buccal and pharyngeal) mucous membrane and locally anesthetizing effect of benzocaine.
Pharmacokinetics. Benzocaine, as well as the majority of local anesthetics, is quickly soaked up through a mucous membrane and through the injured skin. Benzocaine – the local anesthetic on chemical structure representing ester. The anesthetics representing esters are hydrolyzed under the influence of esterase enzyme generally in a blood plasma and, to a lesser extent, in a liver. A small amount of the majority of anesthetics – esters contacts proteins of plasma.
Hlorgeksidin, owing to the cation-active nature, strongly contacts skin, a mucous membrane and other fabrics and, thus, is very badly soaked up. After intake concentration of a hlorgeksidin in a blood plasma is not found.
Enoksolon – inhibitor of the enzyme 11β-gidroksisteroid of a dehydrogenase suppressing activity of cortisol and at use with a hydrocortisone in animal experiments is shown a superactivity of a hydrocortisone in skin.
Indications to use:
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol render local and temporary symptomatic relief of an inflammatory condition of oropharyngeal area at a moderate infection.
Route of administration and doses:
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol are applicable to oropharyngeal area.
The recommended dose for adults and children is more senior than 12 years. One tablet is slowly rassasyvat. The maximum daily dose of 8 tablets with an interval of reception of 2-3 h.
The recommended dose for children from 6 to 12 years. One tablet is slowly rassasyvat. The maximum daily dose of 6 tablets with an interval of reception of 4-5 h.
Tablets for a rassasyvaniye cannot be chewed or swallowed. Tablets need to be rassasyvat slowly in an oral cavity. Tablets for a rassasyvaniye cannot be chewed or swallowed as tablets Anzibel render positive / favorable therapeutic effect in direct contact with the inflamed oropharyngeal area for a long time.
Features of use:
Use for athletes. It is necessary to take into account that this drug contains benzocaine which can become the reason of a positive take at a drug test.
Cautions concerning excipients. Each tablet for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol contains sorbitol as sweetener. Sorbitol can cause irritation of a stomach and diarrhea.
For a rassasyvaniye Anzibel patients with hereditary intolerance of fructose should not take a pill.
Drug also as sweetener contains potassium to atsesulfa that does risky administration of drug at patients who have a potassium absorption insufficiently.
At such patients after administration of drug potassium level in blood inside increases that can become the reason of development of irritation of a stomach and diarrhea.
Before administration of drug it is necessary will study the instruction. At use of other drugs, it is necessary to inform of it the doctor or the druggist.
At emergence of side effects it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Pregnancy and lactation. There are no available data on use of tablets for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol during pregnancy and a lactation.
Influence on driving of the car. There are no data
Side effects:
Generalized allergic reactions and disturbances of the alimentary system were seldom noted. As a result of overdose or prolonged use there can be hypostasis and hypertensia. Especially the patients having a firm tooth plaque (weight from bacteria, the remains of the epithelial cells and polymers of saliva which are attached to tooth enamel), can have a tooth pigmentation. There can seldom be a dysgeusia (disturbance of flavoring sensitivity) which gradually disappears at therapy continuation
Interaction with other medicines:
It is not recommended to accept drug along with other antiseptic agents. In researches on animals in whom at the same time appointed эноксолн and a hydrocortisone, the last powerfully affects skin.
Because of availability of benzocaine, interferes:
- Cholinesterase inhibitors: inhibit metabolism of local anesthesia, with risk of bigger system toxicity.
- Sulfonamides: metabolites of benzocaine can counteract antibacterial activity of sulfonamides.
Intervention by diagnostic testing. Intervention also happens to the help of diagnostic test to define function of a pancreas using bentiromide. Results become invalid because benzocaine is metabolized by arylamines, and also increases the number of PABA. Before testing it is recommended to suspend treatment less than in 3 days.
For a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of menthol the patients having hypersensitivity to components of drug or other derivatives of ester, having the anesthetizing activity should not take a pill. Drug is contraindicated to patients with a fenilketonuriya.
There are no data.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C, in own packaging, in the place protected from light. To protect from children. Period of storage 3 years. Not to apply after a period of storage.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 30 tablets for a rassasyvaniye Anzibel with taste of honey and a lemon in packaging.