Септилин® Plus

Producer: Himalaya Drug Co. (Himalaya Drag Co.) India
Code of automatic telephone exchange: A10AD30
Pharm group: a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=73 \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=73%27" tppabs="medicalmeds.eu/preparats_title.php?name=-1&mnn=-1&atc=73">Drugs for treatment of a diabetes mellitus
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Tablets.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: powders: 324 mg kommifor мукул (mix of oil, gum and pitch), 64 mg шанкх bkhasma (ashes); extracts dry of collecting vegetable сырья*: 35% of a makharasnada кват ** (multi-component vegetable mixture), 27% tinospor serdtselistny stalks, 17% of a madder serdtselistny roots, 9% of an emblika medicinal fruits; 9% of a ben krylatosemenny leaves, 3% of a glycyrrhiza naked roots.
Excipients: cellulose microcrystallic, кросповидон, karmelloza of sodium, silicon dioxide colloid, magnesium stearate.
* In quality экстрагентадля the prigotovleniyaekstrakta from collecting vegetable raw materials is used water. Ratio (collecting: extract dry – 5:1).
** Are a part of the multi-component vegetable mixture "Makharasnadi Kvat": chebula bombways pericarps - Terminalia chebula Retz. (Combretaceae); bellerika bombways pericarps - Terminalia bellerica L. (Combretaceae); emblik medicinal fruits - Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Euphorbiaceae); fagoniya Cretan the whole plant - Fagonia cretica L. (Zygophyllaceae); sida serdtselistny the whole plant - Sida cordifolia L. (Malvaceae); castor-bean trees ordinary the whole plant - Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae); a cedar Himalaya wood - Cedrus deodara (Roxb.ex Lamb.) G.Don (Pinaceae); a gedikhiya of a spicate rhizome - Hedychium spicatum Ham.ex.Sm. (Zingiberaceae); adatoda real roots - Adhatoda vasica Nees. (Acanthaceae); ginger of a medicinal rhizome - Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae); pepper yavsky long stalks - Piper chaba L. (Piperaceae); syt round rhizomes - Cyperus rotundus L. (Cyperaceae); berkhaviya sprawling roots - Boerhaavia diffusa L. (Nyctaginaceae); tinospor serdtselistny stalks - Tinospora cordifolia Miers. (Menispermaceae); morning glories palmate roots - Ipomoea digitata L. (Convolvulaceae); fennel Indian fruits - Anethum sowa Roxb. ex Flem. (Apiaceae); yakorets creeping fruits - Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae); vitaniya somnolent roots - Withania somnifera L. Dunal. (Solanaceae); cassias fistular fruit pulp - Cassia fistula L. (Fabaceae); asparaguses clustery root tubers - Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Liliaceae); pepper long fruits - Piper longum L. (Piperaceae); barleriya saw-toothed the whole plant - Barleria prionitis L. (Acanthaceae); a coriander sowing the whole plant - Coriandrum sativum L. (Apiaceae); a nightshade zheltoplodny the whole plant - Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad.et Wendl. (Solanaceae); nightshade Indian the whole plant - Solanum indicum L. (Solanaceae).
Names of the making plants (as a part of active components) in Latin: Tinospora serdtselistny – Tinospora cordifolia Miers. (Menispermaceae); a madder serdtselistny - Rubia cordifolia L. (Menyanthaceae); an emblika medicinal – Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (Euphorbiaceae); a ben krylatosemenny – Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. (Moringaceae), a licorice naked – Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (Fabaceae).
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. СЕПТИЛИН® PLUS possesses antiinflammatory action. The operating active agents of plants (bioflavonoids and tannins) which are a part of drug promote reduction of manifestations of inflammatory process, reduce permeability of capillaries, show antiekssudativnoye action. Availability of polysaccharides as a part of drug promotes phagocytosis stimulation, due to increase in phagocytal activity of granulocytes and macrophages, and to acceleration of a chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the infection center. The drug SEPTILIN®PLUS strengthens a humoral immune response, promotes increase in nonspecific resistance of an organism.
Use of drug promotes stopping of clinical signs of an acute inflammation of upper respiratory tracts. Drug renders antiinflammatory effect at the same time on a mucous membrane of a nasopharynx, a throat and palatine tonsils.
Pharmacokinetics. Data on pharmacokinetics of the multicomponent vegetable drug SEPTILIN® PLUS in a dosage form of a tablet are absent. Activity of drug is caused by mutually strengthening combined action of its components that is characteristic of herbal remedies.
As activity of drug it is impossible to charge completely to any one connection, pharmacokinetic researches of multicomponent vegetable drugs, including СЕПТИЛИН®ПЛЮС, are impracticable.
Indications to use:
- Rinosinusit (acute, an aggravation of chronic).
- Aggravation of a chronic tonzillofaringit.
Route of administration and doses:
Inside. On 2 tablets 2 times a day within 10-14 days. In case of incomplete stopping of symptoms of a disease, treatment can be continued up to 4 weeks in a dose on 1 tablet 2 times a day or at the discretion of the doctor.
In case of the undesirable phenomena from digestive tract the dose of drug can be lowered to 1 tablet 2 times a day. If the dose decline does not lead to stopping of symptoms, drug withdrawal is recommended.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Use of drug at pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated. In need of use during breastfeeding, breastfeeding is recommended to be stopped.
At the termination of administration of drug СЕПТИЛИН®ПЛЮС in a dosage form of a tablet about emergence of a syndrome of "cancellation" it was not reported. Special measures at the admission of one or several doses of drug are not required. If the patient one or several times misses medicine reception, it is necessary to continue administration of drug according to the scheme recommended in the instruction, without doubling a dose.
Special precautionary measures at destruction unused medicinal it is required to the sredstvena.
Influence on ability to manage vehicles, mechanisms. About influence of drug on performance of potentially dangerous types of activity demanding the increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving and other vehicles, work with moving mechanisms, work of the dispatcher/operator and another) it was not reported.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions, feeling of dryness in a mouth, the dispepsichesky phenomena (nausea, diarrhea, a meteorism), abdominal pains, tranzitorny increase in activity of "hepatic" transaminases are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Use of drug does not exclude a possibility of use of other medicines, including antibacterial drugs.
Hypersensitivity to separate components of drug. Age up to 18 years.
With care to apply at patients with digestive tract diseases
Data on overdose are absent. In case of overdose the symptomatic treatment is applied.
Storage conditions:
In the dry place at a temperature from 15 ºС to 25 ºС. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to use after a period of validity.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Tablets. On 60 tablets in a plastic bottle from polyethylene of high density with the screwed cover. The neck of a bottle is in addition tightened by aluminum foil with the trademark of firm applied on it. Each bottle together with the application instruction is placed in a pack cardboard.