- Description
- Leykokoriya's symptoms
- Leykokoriya's reasons
- Leykokoriya's treatment
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Leykokoriya literally means a white pupil (from Greek leucos — white and core — a pupil) and points to full loss of a red reflex.
Leykokoriya's symptoms:
Proiskhodmi reflection of light directed to an eye, and a pupil at the same time looks completely white or in it white balls (tumors) are noticeable.

Leykokoriya of the left eye
Leykokoriya's reasons:
Leykokoriya has to cause special concern as usually points to such serious disease as a retinoblastoma in children. The cataract, a heavy intraocular inflammation, a retinopathy at premature children and other inborn diseases belong to other reasons of a leykokoriya at children. Leykokoriya is also observed at retina amotio.
Leykokoriya's treatment:
At detection of a leykokoriya of the patient it is necessary to direct urgently to the ophthalmologist. Carry out treatment of a basic disease at which the leykokoriya is observed.