
Producer: Mega Lifescienses (MEGA of Layfsayns) Australia
Release form: Firm dosage forms. Capsules.
General characteristics. Structure:
One gelatin capsule contains:
Bilberry extract - 25,00 mg
Luteinum suspension - 15,00 mg
Suspension a beta - carotene - 5,00 mg
Excipients: Soy oil, the hydrogenated vegetable oil, wax white, lecithin.
Pharmacological properties:
Bilberry extract
The active component of extract of bilberry is антокиан (antotsianozida) which stimulates regeneration of a light-sensitive retina of a pigment of rhodopsin in eye photoreceptors, and thus promotes improvement of twilight sight. The research with participation of pilots of airplanes and drivers of cars was shown that extract of bilberry improves sight at night and adaptation to various levels of illumination. Besides, extract of bilberry is antioxidant, has antiinflammatory and anti-sclerous properties. Antokiana normalize permeability of small vessels, prevents capillary bleedings. On the basis of the researches conducted on tissues of the person and animals positive influence of extract of bilberry on vascular blood supply at patients with a diabetes mellitus is supposed.
Luteinum is antioxidant which plays a key role in the mechanism of protection against an adverse effect of oxidizing processes (aging processes) and neutralizes free radicals in a body of the person. Only two natural carotinoids, Luteinum and its derivative of zeaxanthin, are capable to get into eye tissues. After assimilation Luteinum is transferred in a large number to lens and the makula (macula lutea) located in the center of a retina and is responsible for visual acuity. Luteinum plays a role of the filter which selectively absorbs an aggressive part of a range of light beams thanks to what protects a makula from an oksidation and light damage. Scientists of Harvard University found out that reception of Luteinum leads to decrease in risk of the age degeneration of a makula (ADM) by 43%. It was at the same time established that increase in consumption of carotinoids leads to increase in concentration of Luteinum and zeaxanthin in blood and further in the makul. In risk group of emergence of VDM, first of all, smokers, women and persons with a light iris of the eye which have lower maintenance of Luteinum in the makul belong.
The beta - carotene is a predecessor of vitamin A. Activity a beta - carotene is twice lower vitamin A, but as the organism will be transformed by a beta - carotene to vitamin A as required, there is no danger to receive a toxic dose of vitamin A. The beta - carotene in an organism partially turns into Retinolum, is necessary for normal functioning of a retina, provides transition of opsin to rhodopsin - the pigment providing a scotopia. Thanks to it it counteracts" a night blindness" and sight easing. The beta - carotene possesses an antikseroftalmichna action, can be used for reduction of risk of developing of a cataract and diseases which arise in connection with raised ecological by load of the person. Beta - carotene - powerful antioxidant which turns free radicals on usual molecules (fixing active oxygen, interrupts chain free radical reactions and protects molecules and biocell membranes from damages) that increases antineoplastic resistance of an organism. It improves functioning of immune system of an organism that helps to resist infectious and
to catarrhal diseases. The beta - carotene improves cellular exchange, a condition of skin,
protecting it from harmful effects of UF - beams, promotes preservation in a vitamin C organism,
suppresses processes of a senilism.
Indications to use:
For improvement of visual function and twilight sight, for strengthening of visual acuity, strengthening of capillaries of an eye, reduction asthenopic a syndrome. It is applied at fatigue, a particular at fatigue of eyes (a syndrome of visual exhaustion, an asthenopia), sight adaptation disturbance in the dark, to complex treatment of glaucoma, a diabetic retinopathy, dystrophy of a retina, a myopia; during recovery after eye operations. It is applied in a diet of the dietary food appointed by the doctor on purpose creation of optimal conditions of functioning of organs of sight.
Route of administration and doses:
On 1 capsule 1-2 times a day during food. Before use consultation of the doctor is recommended. The recommended use term: 3-4 weeks, further term of the use are coordinated with the doctor.
Features of use:
Precautionary measures:
Existence at the patient of hypersensitivity to any of product ingredients, pregnancy and the period of a lactation.
Precautionary measures:
The flavonoids which are a part of extract of bilberry can suppress aggregation of thrombocytes. It is necessary to appoint carefully dietary additive to the patients accepting warfarin or other anticoagulants, and also means protitrombotsitarn, and patients, having diseases which are followed by bleedings.
Side effects:
Frustration zheludochno - an intestinal path, skin rash, drowsiness.
High doses can cause yellowing of skin which takes place after cancellation of a product.
Storage conditions:
To store in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 ºС.
Period of storage: 2 years from the moment of production.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
3 x 10 capsules in the blister packaging in cardboard boxes.