- Description
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The vitrectomy consists in surgical removal of a vitreous from an eye. This operation is performed when peeling a retina as after removal of a vitreous at the oculist access to a back wall of an eye improves. Also the vitreous is deleted if hemorrhage in it does not resolve independently.
During a vitrectomy the surgeon inserts special tools of the small size into an eye-socket, cuts out a vitreous and deletes it. After removal of a vitreous the surgeon can continue treatment of a retina by means of the laser (photocoagulation), remove or move fibrous or cicatricial fabric from a retina, attach it in places of peeling of a retina, recover integrity in places of ruptures of a retina or a makula.
On the end of operation, enter a vial of silicone oil or gas (perflyuropropan) for substitution of a vitreous and recovery of normal intraocular pressure into an eye.
The vitrectomy always has to be carried out to specially trained these manipulations with the doctor.
Hospitalization in hospital for couple of days is necessary for carrying out a vitrectomy though sometimes the procedure is held on an outpatient basis. Operation lasts for 2-3 hours. Your oculist independently defines what anesthesia (local or the general) will be required to you.
During a vitrectomy the surgeon enters small tools directly into an eye, cuts out a vitreous and deletes it from an eye-socket. After removal of a vitreous, the surgeon can continue therapy by means of the laser (photocoagulation), cut out or delete fibrous tissue or a hem of a retina, to condense areas of a retina in places of its peeling or to recover integrity of a retina in places of gaps and holes.
The vitrectomy is carried out for:
- Recovery or the prevention of tractions of peeling of a retina, especially at threat of distribution of process on a makula.
- Recovery of large ruptures of a retina.
- Recovery of the sight caused by vitreous hemorrhages (hemorrhages in a vitreous) at plentiful bleedings or if bleeding does not resolve independently within several months.
- Treatments of a proliferative retinopathy of the heavy degree causing formation of cicatricial fabric or at growth of new blood vessels in a retina (neovascularization) proceeds despite repeated treatment by the laser.
The vitrectomy showed high performance in improvement of sight at people with expressed is long not resorptional vitreous hemorrhages. By means of a vitrectomy it is possible to reduce risk of development of the expressed bleeding in people with the begun vitreous hemorrhage. Also this procedure allows to reduce risk of development of bleeding in patients with growth of pathological blood vessels in an iris.
Generally, by means of operation it is possible to recover partially the sight lost as a result of traction peeling of a retina and to prevent further peeling. However results of treatment it is much better provided that peeling did not extend to the center of a retina (makula) and the central sight is not broken.
The vitrectomy can cause increase in intraocular pressure (VGD – pressure in an eye), especially in the people having glaucoma.
There is several another complications, serious and dangerous to sight, possible after a vitrectomy. Treat them:
- Vitreous hemorrhages.
- Peeling of a retina.
- Accumulation of liquid under a prozrchny cover of an eye (corneal the Eden).
- Growth of new blood vessels on an iris surface (рубеозис иридис) which can lead to development of glaucoma of heavy degree (neovascular glaucoma). Due to the above-mentioned to a mozha to arise the pain syndrome in an eye or full loss of sight.
- Infectious complications of an eye (entophthalmia).
One of the main objectives of a vitrectomy is removal of blood from an average chamber of the eye (the state arising at a hemorrhage in a vitreous). At hemorrhage some doctors recommend from several months to one year to observe whether the vitreous is capable to be cleared of blood independently or surgical intervention is necessary for prevention of serious complications.
However, if the hemorrhage can lead to serious loss of sight or does not give the chance to carry out treatment concerning a retinopathy, operation needs to be performed as soon as possible. Some researches showed that at an early vitrectomy results of treatment it is much better.

Scheme of carrying out vitrectomy