Ergocalciferol масл. solution of 0,125% 10 ml

Producer: CJSC Lekhim-Kharkiv Ukraine
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Solution in oil.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredient: ergocalciferol (D2 vitamin); sostav:1 the ml of solution contains ergocalciferol - 0,00125 g (1,25 mg); Excipients: the sunflower oil refined or sunflower oil the refined frozen deodorized brands "P".
Pharmacological properties:
Ergocalciferol concerns to group of vitamins, soluble in oils, and is one of regulators of exchange of phosphorus and calcium. Promotes absorption of the last of intestines, distribution and adjournment in bones with their growth. The specific effect of vitamin is especially shown at rickets (Antirachitic vitamin).
Orally entered vitamin D is soaked up in blood in a small intestine, it is especially good - in its proximal department. With blood vitamin comes to liver cells where it with participation 25 hydroxylases is hydroxylated with formation of its transport form which is delivered by blood in a mitochondrion of kidneys. In kidneys there passes its further hydroxylation by means of α-hydroxylase l therefore the hormonal form of vitamin is formed. Already this form of vitamin D is transported by blood in a target tissue, for example - in a mucous membrane of intestines where it initiates a resorption of Sa + +.
Indications to use:
Ergocalciferol is appointed for prevention and treatment of rickets, and also diseases of bones, followed calcium exchange disturbance (different forms of osteoporosis, osteomalacy), at dysfunctions of epithelial bodies (tetany), some forms of tuberculosis, psoriasis, a lupus of skin and mucous membranes.
Route of administration and doses:
Ergocalciferol should be accepted inside during food. 1 ml of drug supports 50000 ME. Drug is used in the form of drops, one drop from an eyedropper contains about 1400 ME.
For treatment of rickets taking into account degree of its weight and character of a clinical current Ergocalciferol (D2 Vitamin) is appointed on 2000 - 5000 ME a day within 30-45 days. After achievement of medical effect into the specified terms pass to preventive purpose of ergocalciferol (400 - 500 ME a day, i.e. 1 drop every other day) before achievement of three-year age by the child. In three summer months do a break in administration of drug.
For prevention of rickets (at newborns and babies) Ergocalciferol appoint pregnant and feeding. At pregnancy (from 30-32 weeks) drug is accepted small doses (1000 - 2000 ME a day within 6-8 weeks).
Feeding accept Ergocalciferol in a daily dose of 500 - 1000 ME from the first days of feeding of the child and prior to purpose of ergocalciferol it. It is for this purpose better to use drug in dosage forms of a dragee or capsules (1 dragee or 1 capsule a day).
Preventively to the full-term children drug appoint from 3-4 weeks of life, from the 2nd week - premature and to the children who are on artificial feeding, to the twins, children who are in adverse ecological (including household) conditions.
For prevention of rickets it is possible to appoint Ergocalciferol different methods:
• a physiological method - to daily full-term children within 3 years, except for 3-year months, Ergocalciferol appoint on 500 ME in days (a course dose in a year of 180 000 ME).
• a course method - daily to the child appoint on 1500-2000 ME of ergocalciferol a current of 30 days on 2-6-10 months of life, further to 3 - x-year age on 2-3 courses in bucketed year between them in 3 months (a course dose in a year of 180 000 ME).
To premature children the daily preventive dose of vitamin D can be increased to 800-1000 ME which is appointed daily during the first half of the year of life. Further on 2000-3000 ME in days within a month 2-3 times in bucketed year between courses 3-4 months.
In regions with long winter prevention is performed up to 3-5 years of life of the child.
Treatment by drug is carried out under control of level of Sa + + in urine.
At the rakhitopodobny diseases, pathological processes of a bone tissue caused by disturbance of exchange of calcium in an organism at some forms of tuberculosis, psoriasis drug is appointed according to complex schemes of treatment of these diseases.
Daily dose for treatment of a tubercular lupus at adults - 100000 ME. At this disease to children up to 16 years depending on age Ergocalciferol is appointed after food in daily doses from 25000 to 75000 ME (the daily dose is accepted in 2 receptions). A course of treatment - 5-6 months.
Features of use:
It is necessary to consider that D2 vitamin has cumulative properties. It is necessary to accept drug under control of the doctor and at prolonged use it is necessary to conduct researches of content of calcium in blood and urine. With care appoint, especially to a long time, to elderly people as drug, strengthening deposits of calcium in an organism, promotes development and strengthening of the phenomena of atherosclerosis, and also patients with a hypothyroidism. Besides, care at purpose of ergocalciferol is necessary for pregnant women 35 years are aged more senior. At use in high doses along with drug it is necessary to appoint vitamin A (10000 - 15000 ME a day), ascorbic acid and vitamins of group B
Side effects:
At overdose and prolonged use in high doses appetite loss, nausea, locks, the general weakness, a headache, a sleep disorder, irritability, a hyperthermia, changes from urine (leukocytes, protein, hyaline cylinders) can be observed. The specified toxic effects characterizing a hypervitaminosis of D which are followed by increase in level of calcium in blood and its strengthened excretion with urine. Also calcification of soft tissues, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels is not excluded. At emergence of the described effects drug is cancelled and as much as possible limit administration of calcium in an organism, including receipts it with food.
Interaction with other medicines:
At simultaneous use with calcium salts toxicity of D2 vitamin increases. At appointment to drugs of iodine there is a vitamin oxidation. At a combination to antibiotics (tetracycline, Neomycinum) ergocalciferol absorption disturbance is observed. Leads its combinations with mineral acids to destruction and an inactivation of drug. Toxic effects are weakened by tocopherol, ascorbic acid, thiamin, Riboflavinum, a pyridoxine.
Peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12-perstny gut, other diseases of digestive tract, acute and chronic diseases of a liver, kidneys, organic lesions of heart and vessels in decompensation stages, active forms of a pulmonary tuberculosis, a hypercalcemia.
At overdose of drug appetite loss, a sleep disorder, irritability, a hyperthermia, changes from urine (leukocytes, protein, hyaline cylinders) can be observed. The hypervitaminosis of D is followed by increase in level of calcium in blood and its strengthened excretion with urine. In case of signs of overdose drug is cancelled. It is necessary to cause vomiting or to wash out a stomach зависсю absorbent carbon, to appoint salt laxatives. It is necessary to carry out correction of water and electrolytic balance. At a hypercalcemia appoint эдетат. Effective haemo-and peretonealny dialysis.
Storage conditions:
In the place protected from light at a temperature not above + 10 °C. To store in the place, unavailable to children! It is not necessary to use after the expiry date specified on packaging!
Period of validity - 2 years
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
On 10 ml in bottles from glass melt or bottles screw polymeric with control of the first opening.