Lioksazin-joint venture, Lioksazin-Gel

Producer: "Profit Pharm" Russia
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Gel for external use.
General characteristics. Structure:
Means dressing "LIOKSAZIN-SP" represents a napkin with biologically active hydrogel composition applied on it.
Pharmacological properties:
Means represent dressing rooms biologically active гидрогелель with the immobilized 2 allyloxyethanol and lidocaine, applied on a napkin from a nonwoven cloth ("LIOKSAZIN-SP"), and also individually packed "LIOKSAZIN-Gel".
Execution 1. Means is dressing hydrogel, antiburn "LIOKSAZIN-SP", sterile, on the basis of hydroxypropyl cellulose with the immobilized 2 allyloxyethanol and lidocaine on a napkin in individual packaging.
Execution 2. Means is dressing hydrogel, antiburn "LIOKSAZIN-Gel", sterile, on the basis of hydroxypropyl cellulose with the immobilized 2 allyloxyethanol and lidocaine in individual packaging.
The mechanism of action is based on improvement of microcirculation of vessels of a derma by prevention of an early spasm of arteries of a deep vascular texture of skin, weakening of the pathological afferentation from affected areas arising at the ionizing radiation, burns of any etiology, activation of growth of granulations and an epithelium. Antimicrobic activity is connected with a microflora growth inhibition under samples on St.epid. and Ps. aeroginosa.
Indications to use:
Means dressing rooms hydrogel, antiburn, sterile, on the basis of hydroxypropyl cellulose with the immobilized medicines are intended for first-aid treatment at burns, including radiation, and also for treatment of the granulating wounds of various etiology, including slow, for removal of an inflammation at skin diseases, at cosmetology procedures on face skin, necks, a decollete, and also for processing of places of a sting of insects.
Means dressing rooms possess the cooling, anesthetizing, bacteriostatic action, create conditions for the normal course of processes of regeneration.
Route of administration and doses:
a. At burns of the I-II degree apply "LIOKSAZIN-SP", including radiation and solar: right after emergence - to process an affected area; in 6 hours to repeat processing of an affected area, then daily once a day to epithelization.
b. At burns of I-IIIA of degree apply "LIOKSAZIN-Gel", including solar and radiation: right after emergence - to apply gel by means of a napkin gauze sterile on an affected area; in 6 hours to repeat processing of an affected area, then daily once a day to a wound repair.
c. At stings of insects: to process the place of a sting.
It is necessary for preparation for use of a product:
- to open packaging of "LIOKSAZIN-SP" on notches, to take and develop a napkin, to process the struck surface (burn);
- to open packaging "LIOKSAZIN-Gel", to open packaging of a sterile gauze napkin and to take it, to squeeze out gel on a surface of a napkin and to distribute on all area of defeat (a burn, a wound).
Features of use:
There are no data.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions: skin rash.
Interaction with other medicines:
There are no data.
Hypersensitivity to product components.
There are no data.
Storage conditions:
Means dressing rooms hydrogel, antiburn, sterile store in the dry, protected from direct hit of a sunlight place at a temperature from-5 to +40 °C.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
Is issued the following sizes: (24,0 ± 1,0) cm x (24,0 ± 1,0) Means cm dressing "LIOKSAZIN-Gel" and "LIOKSAZIN D-gel" are produced packaged in packagings by weight: (30,0 ± 2,0).