Addamel of N

Producer: Fresenius Kabi Gmbh (Frezenius Kabi) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: B05BB01
Pharm group: Plasma substituting and perfused solutions
Release form: Liquid dosage forms. A concentrate for preparation of solution for infusions.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active ingredients:
- 5,33 mkg of chrome of chloride hexahydrate that corresponds to the maintenance of Cr3 + 1 mkg (0.02 µmol)
- 340 mkg of copper of chloride a dihydrate that there correspond to the maintenance of Cu2 + 130 mkg (2 µmol)
- 540 mkg of iron of chloride hexahydrate that there correspond to the maintenance of Fe3 + 110 mkg (2 µmol)
- 99 mkg of manganese of chloride tetrahydrate that there correspond to the maintenance of Mn2 + 27 mkg (0.5 µmol)
- 16,6 mkg of potassium iodide that there corresponds to the maintenance of I-of 13 mkg (0.1 µmol) of-210 mkg of sodium fluoride that corresponds to the maintenance of F-of 95 mkg (5 µmol),-4,85 mkg of sodium of molybdate a dihydrate that there correspond to the maintenance of Mo6 + 1.9 mkg that corresponds to the maintenance of MoO42 - 0.02 µmol
- 6,9 mkg of sodium selenit that there correspond to the maintenance of Se4 + 3.2 mkg that corresponds to the maintenance of SeO32 - 0.04 µmol
- 1,36 mkg of zinc chloride that there correspond to the maintenance of Zn2 + 650 mkg (10 µmol).
Excipients: ксилитол, Acidum hydrochloricum, water for injections.
Pharmacological properties:
Pharmacodynamics. Contents of one ampoule provide the daily need for microelements (chrome, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, fluorine, iodine) of adult patients at the normal or moderately increased requirement.
Indications to use:
— as the additive providing the daily need for microelements at adult patients at partial and full parenteral food.
Route of administration and doses:
Intravenously. Before use drug needs to be dissolved. To adult patients with body weight more than 40 kg 1 ampoule (10 ml) of Addamel of N sterilely add 5-50% to solutions of amino acids or solutions of glucose. The received solution is mixed easy rocking, then used for parenteral infusions. The received solution needs to be used during 24 h.
The recommended daily dose of Addamel of N for adult patients with the normal or moderately increased need for microelements - 1 ampoule (10 ml).
For patients with the body weight of 15-40 kg the daily dose makes 0.1 ml of Addamel of N on 1 kg of weight a day.
At the increased need of the adult for microelements it is possible to add as much as possible up to 20 ml of Addamel N.
Features of use:
Use at pregnancy and feeding by a breast. Use is possible during pregnancy.
There are no data on use in the period of a lactation. At use of drug for nursing mothers it is necessary to refrain from feeding of the child a breast.
Use at abnormal liver functions. With care: liver failure.
Use at renal failures. With care: renal failure
Use for children. Contraindication: children's age (up to 10 years).
Special instructions. If treatment continues more than 4 weeks, it is necessary to carry out control of concentration of manganese in a blood plasma. Addamel of N can be used only by divorced.
Side effects:
Allergic reactions. Seldom - nausea, thrombophlebitis in the place of an infection.
At exceeding of the recommended rate of administering vomiting, a dermahemia, the increased sweating are possible.
Interaction with other medicines:
Only those drugs, compatibility with which does not raise doubts, can be added to Addamel of N. Amino-acid solutions and solutions of glucose with concentration from 5% to 50% are recommended. Mixing of solutions has to is carried out in aseptic conditions.
— total obstruction of bilious ways;
— hypersensitivity;
— children's age (up to 10 years).
With care: a renal and/or liver failure (especially at a cholestasia).
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C. Not to freeze. To store in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years.
Issue conditions:
According to the recipe
10 ml - ampoules polypropylene (20) - packs cardboard.