DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Medicines Drug for moistening, clarification and protection of a mucous membrane of a nose. Alergol


Препарат Алергол. Dr.THEISS NATURWAREN, GmbH (Д-р Тайсс Натурварен, ГмбХ") Германия

Producer: Dr. THEISS NATURWAREN, GmbH (Dr. Tayss Naturvaren, Gmbh") Germany

Code of automatic telephone exchange: R01AX10

Pharm group: Nasal drugs

Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.

Indications to use: Allergic rhinitis (cold).

General characteristics. Structure:

Ointment nasal: mix of high cleaning fractions of hydrocarbons (the standardized combination) of 5 g.

Pharmacological properties:

Prevents development of symptoms of allergic rhinitis (plentiful mucous allocations, a nose congestion, an itch, sneezing) by mechanical blocking of influence of household, epidermal, pollen allergens on mucous a nose.

The drug Doctor Tayss Alergol is chemically neutral. Does not get through skin and it is not absorbed.

Indications to use:

The allergic rhinitis (in complex therapy) caused by influence of household, epidermal, pollen allergens on mucous a nose.

Route of administration and doses:


Previously having cleared a nasal cavity, about 1 cm apply ointments on mucous a front part of both nasal courses each 3-5 h, but not less than 2 times a day. Course of treatment of 60 applications.

Features of use:

It is not necessary to apply at injury of a nasal cavity (including after operative measures or nasal bleedings) not to break natural process of healing.

Use of drug for the night (or before going to bed) is badly studied therefore it is not recommended to use it before going to bed and for the night.

If to use ointment twice a day, there will be enough 5 g of drug for 60 applications within 2 months of use.

Side effects:

It is not revealed.

Interaction with other medicines:

It can be used in a combination with other medicines.


It is not revealed.

Storage conditions:

Drug should be stored at a temperature not above 25 °C, in the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years. Not to use after a period of validity.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


Tuba of 5 g.

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