Фенистил® Pentsivir

Producer: Novartis Pharma Production (Novartis) Germany
Code of automatic telephone exchange: D06BB06
Release form: Soft dosage forms. Cream.
General characteristics. Structure:
Active agent - 10 mg of a pentsiklovir.
Tsetomakrogol 1000, tsetosterilovy alcohol, paraffin white soft, a liquid paraffin (liquid paraffin), propylene glycol, the water purified.
Description. Homogeneous cream of white color.
Pharmacological properties:
Fenistil® cream Pentsivir is intended for treatment of herpes ("cold") on lips (herpes labialis). Pentsiklovir - the active component which is an antiviral agent concerning the Herpes simplex 1 and 2 viruses of type, the Varicella zoster virus.
The virus can be in an inactive form in an organism during a long span. At the time of activation (for example owing to fatigue, cold, flu) the virus begins to breed that leads to development of fever in the form of bubble rashes and so forth, especially often it is observed on lips or on sites around them.
Pentsiklovir blocks a virus and stops its reproduction. Use of drug leads to more bystry recovery, reduction of intensity of pain, the period of risk of transfer of a viral infection is reduced.
Pharmacokinetics. At external use drug is practically not exposed to system absorption. By modern analytical methods Fenistil Pentsivir is not possible to reveal пенцикловир in blood or urine of healthy volunteers after use cream in the concentration many times exceeding therapeutic.
Getting into the cells affected with a virus, пенцикловир quickly passes into a pentsiklovir the triphosphate having pharmacological activity and remaining in the struck cells during 12 h.
Indications to use:
Recurrent herpes simplex (herpes labialis) with localization on lips.
Route of administration and doses:
Adults and children since 12 years:
Treatment should be begun as soon as possible, at emergence of the first signs of development of an infection. Nevertheless, even at development of herpes in a stage of bubbles Fenistil® cream use Pentsivir reduces cure time (heals affected areas, reduces pain and shortens duration of the period of a peeling of the crust formed from virus influence).
The small volume of cream is squeezed out on a finger-tip and applied on an affected area each 2 hours.
A course of therapy is conducted within 4 days.
Features of use:
It is necessary to consult with the attending physician before applying Fenistil® cream Pentsivir if the patient has weakened immune system or it is not confident that it develops herpes.
It is necessary to wash up carefully hands before putting cream.
Drug should be used only on the sites affected with herpes on lips and on skin around a mouth. It is not recommended to apply cream on mucous to an oral cavity, a nose or in eyes and generative organs.
It is necessary to conduct a full course of therapy using cream Fenistil Pentsivir within 4 days to achieve the greatest effect of the carried-out therapy even if symptoms of an infection disappear after one-two days of treatment.
It is necessary to see the attending physician at an aggravation of symptoms or in the absence of improvement after 4 days of performing therapy.
Any impacts of drug on ability of control of vehicles and work with mechanisms are noted.
Side effects:
Sometimes burning, tingling or numbness at once after putting drug.
Interaction with other medicines:
Any medicinal interactions for Fenistil® cream Pentsivir are not known.
Hypersensitivity to a pentsiklovir, a famtsiklovir or to any of the inactive ingredients which are a part of drug. Children's age up to 12 years.
With care:
Use during pregnancy is possible according to strict indications in cases when the expected advantage for mother exceeds possible risk for a fruit. In need of use during feeding by a breast consultation of the doctor is necessary.
About cases of overdose of drug it was not reported.
Storage conditions:
To store at a temperature below 30 °C, in the places unavailable to children. Not to freeze. A period of validity - 3 years. Not to use after the expiry date specified on packaging.
Issue conditions:
Without recipe
On 2 g or 5 g in an aluminum tuba with the screw-on cover. The tuba together with the application instruction is placed in a pack cardboard.