Resection of a thyroid gland
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Resections of a thyroid gland – partial removal of a thyroid gland. The resection of a share of a thyroid gland, a resection of both shares of a thyroid gland with leaving of a certain amount of fabric is possible. Now in specialized endocrine clinics seldom carry out resections of a thyroid gland as during partial removal of a thyroid gland in the subsequent, in a zone of operation there are hems, and in need of repeated operation (a recurrence of a diffusion toxic craw, a recurrence of cancer of thyroid gland) technically there are difficulties, and the risk of complications increases.
When the patient got advice of the surgeon-endocrinologist and operational treatment is recommended, it is necessary to decide on date of operation. It is important to note that there is no basic value in what season to do operation. There is an opinion that it is bad "to be operated" in summer months, but actually a thyroid gland operation can be performed at all seasons of the year. The special preparation for surgery on a thyroid gland does not exist, the main requirement - absence acute and exacerbations of chronic diseases in an organism. At receipt in clinic, the patient makes tests (clinical blood test, biochemical, the analysis of urine, a blood group, "koagulogramma", a X-ray analysis of a thorax and additional analyses as necessary.). After obtaining results of analyses, the patient is examined by the therapist and the anesthesiologist (the doctor who makes an anesthesia). The conversation with the operating surgeon who explains and answers all questions interesting the patient is obligatory. An obligatory stage before operation, is performance of ultrasonography of a thyroid gland.
Carrying out operation.
A thyroid gland operations are performed under anesthetic (the patient is in medication sleep and does not feel pain). Often patients ask about a possibility of carrying out operation under local anesthesia. It is important to understand that now the level and quality of performance of an anesthesia are at the high level and from the point of view of safety for the patient, operation "under anaesthetic" the most optimum choice. Duration of operation depends on operative measure volume. On average a thyroid gland operations last from 60 to 100 minutes though there are also long operations, at damage of lymph nodes of a neck, lasting up to 3-4 watch.
Postoperative period.
After carrying out operation, the patient, as a rule, transfer to chamber. In the first day after operation, it is not recommended to get up. If the drainage (a thin silicone tubule) was put, next day after operation in the conditions of a dressing office it is removed. While the patient is in department, to it make daily bandagings. The average time of stay in clinic after operation 2-3 days. Further the patient is written out home. Before an extract, an obligatory conversation of the treating doctor with the patient, discussions of further treatment and terms of observation.
Complications at a thyroid gland operations.
Once again I will note that a thyroid gland operations need to be carried out in specialized surgical department of an endocrine profile at the surgeon of the endocrinologist. All complications in surgery can be divided into two main groups: surgeries, not specific (characteristic of any area) and specific (characteristic of specific area in surgery). Bleeding after operation belongs to not specific complications, there is in 1,5% of cases, suppuration of a postoperative wound from 0,3 to 0,8%, some the patient can have an expressed neck hypostasis. All listed nonspecific complications meet not often and even if they arise, then will well respond to treatment. At a thyroid gland operations it is possible to refer damage of guttural recurrent nerves and a hypoparathyrosis to specific complications ("hypo" - a little, "паратиреоз" - epithelial body hormones). Returnable guttural a nerve two – right and left. They lie behind a thyroid gland and pass through throat ligaments to phonatory bands. Function of recurrent nerves – providing a voice, ability to speak. The risk of injury of nerves to specialized clinics is less than 1%. In all-surgical departments the risk of damage is higher than from 5 to 13%. After a thyroid gland operation, the patient can feel changes in a voice, but it, as a rule, a temporary phenomenon. The risk of development of a resistant hypoparathyrosis makes about 1%. The hypoparathyrosis is followed by shortage of calcium in an organism. At shortage of calcium, the patient can feel goosebumps in various parts of a body – on a face, in hands and legs.

Schematic image of a resection of a thyroid gland