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Artrografiya is the method of a research of joints consisting in artificial contrasting of their cavity with the subsequent X-ray analysis.
To thicket of others the artrografiya of a knee joint is carried out. The research is conducted to the patient on an empty stomach. Skin in the field of the place of an estimated puncture of a joint is subjected to careful pretreatment (washing, removal of hair), and just before a puncture wiped with alcohol. After a local anesthesia of 1% solution of novocaine make a joint cavity puncture, delete from it pathological contents (and if it is necessary, collect and direct to a research). Then enter a contrast agent, adding to it penicillin.
Three options of an artrografiya are possible: 1) inflation in a cavity of a joint of nitrous oxide or oxygen (so-called pnevmoartrografiya); 2) introduction to a joint of a heavy (high-atomic) contrast agent; 3) double contrast study of a joint, i.e. introduction to his cavity and gas, and heavy contrast agent. After a puncture of the patient ask to do the movements in a joint, and then make a X-ray analysis (if it is necessary, and a tomography) in various necessary projections.
Complications at an artrografiya: infection of a joint (violation of the rules of an asepsis); administration of contrast medium in periartikulyarny fabrics in this connection morbidity in a joint within several hours is possible. Prevention of complications — strict observance of rules of an asepsis and antiseptics, and also rules of the equipment and technique of introduction to a cavity of a joint of contrast agents.

Artrografiya of knee joints