Stimulation of maturing of a neck of uterus
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At a part of women the unavailability of a neck of uterus to disclosure is the reason of the slowed-down course of childbirth - saying to language of doctors, its resistance or immaturity. The most widespread method helping a uterus "to ripen" - use of prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins - the hormones having the expressed influence on reproductive function. In small amounts they contain practically in all body tissues, but most of all them in semen and amniotic waters. Prostaglandinovy candles and gels
Now the method of administration of viscous gel or the candles containing prostaglandins in a vagina or the channel of a neck of uterus is rather widely used. At this way of introduction, unlike others, side effects are minimum, and influence on disclosure of a neck of uterus is considerable. They are entered deeply into a vagina to accelerate, and then to open a neck of uterus that, actually, and is an initial stage of childbirth. Prostaglandinovy candles stimulate also development in your organism of prostaglandin forcing a uterus to be reduced. Gels and candles are absolutely safe, do not hold down your movements, their action did not begin yet (in 30 minutes). For now you can move freely about the room, waiting when medicine begins to work.
Of course, the choice of a method of a rodostimulyation remains for the doctor who makes the decision, considering conditions of a course of pregnancy, childbirth and specific features of the woman. But we hope that knowledge which you gained will help to overcome all barriers and difficulties on the way of a long-awaited meeting with the finest being on light - your child.

Dynamics of disclosure of a neck of uterus in labor