DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Preparation for surgical treatment of a thyrotoxicosis

Preparation for surgical treatment of a thyrotoxicosis



Surgical treatment of a thyrotoxicosis is carried out at heavy degree of a tirotoksikoz, in the absence of effect of purpose of antitiroidny drugs, tirostatik, at a big enlargement of the thyroid gland. Rather often this method of treatment is the best at children and pregnant women.

At operational treatment operation on removal of the most part of a thyroid gland is carried out. Operation is called a subtotal subfascial resection of a thyroid gland according to O. V. Nikolaev. At the same time there is a removal of the main part of a thyroid gland. Leave small sites of gland in posterolateral sites of shares of a thyroid gland. Usually the mass of these pieces of gland from three to five grams.

Before operational treatment training of the patient is surely carried out. It is necessary to reduce displays of a thyrotoxicosis as much as possible. Iodine drugs within not less than two weeks are appointed. During reception of these drugs manifestations of a tirotoksikoz decrease, and the increased blood supply of a thyroid gland at the same time decreases. Decrease in blood supply of a thyroid gland reaches prevention of massive bleeding of gland during operation. Beta adrenoblockers not only to, but also after operation are always appointed.

In case of need urgent operation glucocorticoid hormones in high doses are appointed (betamethasone), beta adrenoblockers, iodine drugs. Tirostatichesky drugs, both to and after operation with the purpose of prevention of tirotoksichesky crisis are appointed.

Схема нарушения функции при тиреотоксикозе

The scheme of dysfunction at a thyrotoxicosis

The used drugs:

  • Препарат Мерказолил.


    Anti-thyroid means.

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia


  • Сайт детского здоровья