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Vomiting against the background of antineoplastic therapy


Vomiting - one of by-effects  of antineoplastic therapy.

Vomiting symptoms against the background of antineoplastic therapy:

Nausea and vomiting when carrying out chemotherapy can worsen considerably a condition of the patient that is followed by feeling sick, loss of liquid, electrolytes, and it eventually reduces quality of life and leads to refusal of the subsequent chemotherapy which can prolong the patient's life.

Frequent vomiting can lead to electrolytic disturbances and lead respectively to states, life-threatening.

Vomiting against the background of chemotherapy can be acute (right after introduction of himiopreparat) and delayed. The first type of vomiting generally gives in to therapy.

However not all himiopreparata make sick and vomiting. On emetogenny activity (ability to cause vomiting) of a himiopreparata are divided into 5 groups.

With a high emetogenny potential (cause vomiting in 90% of cases) treat group:

- Cisplatinum
- дакарбазин
- Mustargenum
- стрептозоцин
- Cytarabinum

With moderately high emetogenny potential (cause vomiting in 60-90% of cases) treat group:

- кармустин
- Cyclophosphanum
- Dactinomycinum
- карбоплатин
- ифосфамид

With a moderate emetogenny potential (cause vomiting from 30-60% of cases) treat group:

- doxorubicine (Adriablastinum)
- рубомицин
- митомицин With

With moderately low emetogenny potential (cause vomiting in 10-30% of cases) treat group:

- Bleomycinum
- methotrexate
- этопозид

With a low emetogenny potential (make sick and vomiting in less than 10% of cases) treat group:

- Tamoxifenum

Each person reacts to introduction of himiopreparat on a miscellaneous. More often nausea and vomiting in the following cases develops:

- in the absence of antiemetic therapy when carrying out the previous chemotherapy
- at women
- at young age

There is vomiting at the persons abusing alcohol much less often.

The Vomiting reasons against the background of antineoplastic therapy:

The most common cause of development of nausea and vomiting in oncological patients is carrying out chemotherapy, radiation therapy. Nausea and vomiting is shown at such syndrome as a hypercalcemia (the increased content of calcium in blood), influence of narcotic analgetic means.
The mechanism of development of nausea and vomiting in this case it is connected with stimulation of a trigger zone (a starting zone) which is responsible normal at the person for "reception of signals" from an organism. For example, at poisoning, the vomiting arising at the person is the defense reaction directed to removal of harmful products from a stomach.

At reception of himiopreparat the trigger zone is also stimulated, however it is side effect which has no advantage. The trigger zone transmits a signal to the emetic center and there is a feeling of nausea or vomiting.

Treatment of Vomiting against the background of antineoplastic therapy:

There are several groups of the antiemetic drugs which are used for elimination of nausea and vomiting. All of them have various antiemetic effect.

    * Fenotiazina (прохлоперазин, этилперазин)
    * Butyrphenons (haloperidol, Droperidolum)
    * Benzodiazepines (lorazepam)
    * Kannabinoida (Dronabinol, Marinol)
    * Corticosteroids (dexamethasone, Methylprednisolonum)
    * Metokloproamid (raglan)
    * Antagonists of serotoninovy receptors - Ondansetron (Zofran, Latran, Emeset, Emetron, Osetron, Ondansetron-LENS, Ondansetrona a hydrochloride, Ondansetrona a hydrochloride a dihydrate), Granisetron (Kitril), Tropisetron (Nowobang).

The greatest antiemetic activity drugs from the last group (antagonists of serotoninovy receptors) which block a starting zone of the emetic center have.

Antiemetic therapy is appointed by the doctor who is carrying out chemotherapy or radiation therapy. At the correct prescription of medicines vomiting can be warned in 90% of cases.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Vomiting against the background of antineoplastic therapy:

  • Препарат Галоперидол 5 мг.

    Haloperidol of 5 mg

    Antipsychotic (antipsychotic) means.

    CJSC Biokom Russia


  • Препарат Латран.


    Antiemetic, serotoninovy receptors antagonist.

    "Profit Pharm" Russia

  • Препарат Латран.


    Antiemetic, serotoninovy receptors antagonist.

    "Profit Pharm" Russia

  • Препарат Метипред.


    Corticosteroids for system use. Glucocorticoids.

    Orion Pharma (Orion of Pharm) Finland

  • Препарат Китрил.


    Antiemetic, serotoninovy receptors antagonist.

    F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., (Hoffman-la Roche Ltd) Switzerland

  • Препарат Эменд®.



    Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (Merck Sharp and Doum of the Building) USA

  • Препарат Авомит®.


    Antiemetic, serotoninovy receptors antagonist

    JSC Biocad Russia

  • Препарат Лемод.



    Hemofarm, A.D. (A.D. Hemofarm) Serbia

  • Препарат Эменд® В/В.

    Эменд® In/in


    Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. (Merck Sharp and Doum of the Building) USA

  • Препарат Китрил.


    Antiemetic, serotoninovy receptors antagonist.

    F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., (Hoffman-la Roche Ltd) Switzerland

  • Сайт детского здоровья