Sensitive ataxy
- Description
- Symptoms of the Sensitive ataxy
- Reasons of the Sensitive ataxy
- Treatment of the Sensitive ataxy
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Disturbance of balance owing to switching off of sensitivity of deep fabrics.
Symptoms of the Sensitive ataxy:
Clearness of movements falls apart. It is checked by a research of deep sensitivity, a finger - nasal and calcaneal and knee tests, standing in Romberg's pose with open and especially blindly. The ataxic gate especially characteristic at defeat of a bunch of Gaulle (a zadnestolbovy ataxy) is observed: the patient widely places legs, disproportionately bending and unbending them, strongly striking with a heel in a floor (the "stamping", "tabic" gait), Deprivation of vision in these cases sharply increases an ataxy.
Reasons of the Sensitive ataxy:
The ataxy sensitive (sensitive) arises at loss of receptors or ways of a joint myesthesia on any site: in peripheral nerves, back roots, back cords (columns) of a spinal cord, a brainstem or the internal capsule. The sensitive ataxy is observed at a polyneuritis, a funicular myelosis, tabes, a family ataxy of Fridreykh.

Emergence of a sensitive ataxy
Treatment of the Sensitive ataxy:
Treatment of a basic disease against the background of which there was a sensitive ataxy is necessary.