Main > Articles about health> Whey: 7 useful properties of a familiar product

Whey: 7 useful properties of a familiar product

Milk and products of its processing by right occupy one of the main places in a diet of the modern person. They contain proteins, necessary for normal life activity, fats, vitamins and microelements, and are an important part of various medical diets.

Полезные свойства молочной сыворотки

Unfortunately, such product as whey not often appears on tables of our compatriots. Many consider it nearly withdrawal of production of cottage cheese or cheeses, and know nothing neither about nutritional value, nor about useful properties. Today we will talk about salutary influence which whey can render on a human body.

Immunity strengthening

Serum turns out at preparation of cottage cheese from the turned sour whole milk or curdled milk. If at the same time all specifications are met, heat an initial product, without bringing to boiling. As a result a considerable part of vitamins passes into serum in an invariable look.

The product contains A, C and E vitamins, and also practically all vitamins of group B. It does whey by irreplaceable means of fight against insufficiently active work of immune system. Daily drinking a glass of the cocktail made from serum, a teaspoon of honey and a small amount of any fresh berries it is possible to be protected from seasonal infections and banal colds thoroughly.

Digestion improvement

Serum contains ideally balanced set of proteins (globulin, casein and albumine) and a small amount of milk fat. Such structure promotes improvement of bodies of a digestive tract.

Whey saves from locks, helps to improve a condition of a mucous membrane of a stomach and intestines. The daily use of a product within two weeks significantly facilitates symptoms of gastritises.

Recovery of water-salt balance

Whey possesses easy diuretic action. She helps to fight against puffiness and saturates an organism with salts, necessary for health.

The product is a basis of one of techniques of clarification of an organism from toxins. For this purpose the glass of serum needs to be drunk every morning on an empty stomach within several days.

The help at cardiovascular problems

Inclusion of whey in a daily diet helps to normalize composition of blood, to bring excess cholesterol out of an organism that reduces risk of development of atherosclerosis of vessels. Besides, the product contains a significant amount of potassium and magnesium which are necessary for normal work of a cardiac muscle.

Rescue from a depression

Whey contains the substances activating production of serotonin and blocking emission in blood of so-called stressful hormones. The people using this product transfer nervous tension easier. Serum is recommended to include in a diet of the patients having depressions and emotional instability.

Care of skin and hair

Traditional medicine widely applies a product in the cosmetic purposes:

  • mix from a third of a glass of serum and juice of a half of a lemon perfectly bleaches fat skin (it is necessary to wipe a face twice a day);
  • for disposal of freckles put mix of serum and the cottage cheese taken in equal parts on a face. The mask is held on skin of 10 minutes, then washed away infusion of green tea;
  • sunblisters treat immersion in a bathtub cool water which added 2 liters of serum. The procedure continues 20 minutes. Then it is necessary to allow to skin to dry on air;
  • for dehumidification of skin and narrowing of a time use the mask made of two tablespoons of serum, a teaspoon of flour and one crude ovalbumin. Mix is held on a face of 15 minutes, washed away water;
  • the mask from two tablespoons of serum and a half of a spoon of ground coffee applied on skin for 15 minutes improves complexion;
  • apply the masks from vegetable raw materials with serum taken in the ratio 1:2 to improvement of a tone of skin. At normal skin grapes, apple, an eggplant, sweet pepper, a garden radish and a cucumber have to enter mix, and at dry – a melon, banana, an apricot and a persimmon;
  • the warm mask from serum and oat flakes improves head skin, feeds hair bulbs. Mix from whey and broth of a root of a burdock perfectly washes hair and improves their structure;
  • for strengthening and improvement of nail plates of a hand process serum with addition of several drops of oil jojoba.

Whey is very demanded also by producers of perfumery cosmetics. On its basis do shampoos and masks for hair, and also creams and a milk for care of face skin.

Косметические средства на основе сыворотки

Normalization of weight

The product has low caloric content. At the same time it is rich with amino acids and other useful substances, and contains milk sugar (lactose) which use does not lead to increase in fatty stocks. These qualities do serum very valuable to the people dreaming to leave extra kilos. Not without reason it is a part of the diets contributing to normalization of body weight.

The whey use has practically no contraindications. It is recommended to include in a diet of the patients having heavy chronic illnesses, children, pregnant women and the feeding women. The product is useful, inexpensive and quite worthy to take the noticeable place in our daily diet.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.