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33 week of pregnancy

On the 33rd week of pregnancy to future kid 31 weeks from the moment of its conception, begin the ninth lunar month of pregnancy.Вес малыша на 33 неделе беременности - 1,8-2,2 кг

Changes in a fruit organism

If to make ultrasonography on the 33rd week of pregnancy, then it is possible to determine the sizes of future child. Its length makes about 41 - 42 cm, it weighs from 1800 to 2200 g. Within several weeks of an increase in the weight of the child will be quite intensive.

All bodies and systems of a fruit on the 33rd week of pregnancy are already created, they need to ripen only functionally. But even by the time of births in time maturing will not be rather full, and the whole first year the child will be improved. Already now possibilities of an organism of a fruit allow it to survive in case of premature births on the 33rd week of pregnancy, special conditions for nursing only for this purpose are required.

On the 33rd week of pregnancy the size and mass of a brain of a fruit increases, in it many new nervous connection is established. The cerebral cortex becomes more mature, all new crinkles and furrows appear. On the 33rd week of pregnancy intensively there is myelination – formation of a protective cover of nerve fibrils thanks to which impulses are transferred only to the destination, without extending around.

The fruit on the 33rd week of pregnancy can feel smells and tastes. In his lungs all new alveoluses are formed, and here the amount of surfactant can still be insufficient for independent breath at premature births.

On ultrasonography on the 33rd week of pregnancy it is possible to notice that the fruit body proportional became more similar to the newborn. Despite a compact embryonal pose, to it nevertheless it became rather small in a cavity of the uterus therefore its movements are felt in a stomach on the 33rd week of pregnancy more rare, but became stronger. The fruit spends a lot of time in a dream, but lack of stirs within 12 hours – a dangerous predictive sign for further pregnancy.

From skin vellus hair – a lanugo gradually disappear, and on the head they become longer and more noticeable.

On the 33rd week of pregnancy future child already takes the constant position. Situation a head is optimum down, but also such versions as pelvic, foot and even cross presentation can meet. That the fruit occupied the correct presentation, the doctor recommends a complex of special physical exercises for the woman. It is desirable to sleep for this purpose too preferential on the left side.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 33rd week of pregnancy

In horizontal position the uterus in a stomach on the 33rd week of pregnancy squeezes the lower vena cava, complicating outflow of blood from legs and its inflow to heart. Because of it the woman feels unpleasant feelings, dizzinesses and weakness in a ventral decubitus. Height of standing of an uterine fundus in a stomach on the 33rd week of pregnancy is about 33 cm higher than a bosom.

The weight increase on this duration of gestation normal can reach 400 g in a week. If body weight increases more in high gear, then most likely, it happens because of the obscure edemas as manifestations of a late gestosis.На 33 неделе беременности ребенок уже может ощущать запахи и вкусы

The uterus regularly strains and relaxes, preparing for the forthcoming patrimonial activity. Usually such reductions irregular also do not cause pains on the 33rd week of pregnancy. The regularity of reductions or feeling of a stone stomach are adverse and are regarded as the first symptoms of premature births.

Plentiful liquid allocations on the 33rd week of pregnancy, most likely, are amniotic waters. It is possible to confirm or exclude it with use of special test strips. It is normal of allocation on the 33rd week of pregnancy light or transparent, inodorous or slightly sourish.

Inspection on the 33rd week of pregnancy

The doctor directs the woman to ultrasonography on the 33rd week of pregnancy if she did not make it to this term, in 30 – 32 weeks. If necessary carrying out a kardiotokografiya by means of which it is possible to estimate as reductions of a fruit in response to the muscular tension of a uterus change is possible.

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