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How to escape from summer cold?

The summer of this year in Russia was very ambiguous. Regions suffered from a merciless heat, from pouring rains, the hail from time to time dropped out, then there was again a heat which alternated with rainfall again. Many people suffer from such sharp changes of weather. Even flu epidemics and a SARS were recorded.

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It would seem how it is possible to catch a cold in the summer? But, specialists assure that not only the draft or communication with the person - a virus carrier can be the cause of cold. Changeable weather also does black "serious work".

Artful assistants to cold

Dangers trap the person who resides in the city everywhere - during a heat easy to overcool the organism by means of the conditioner or cold drinks. Rather short time to sit under a Split system at office next day to begin to cough and suffer from cold. Also it is necessary to understand that conditioners fairly dry up air, and the room becomes just a nursery of disease-producing bacteria. They with ease get through a nose and a mouth, and the person does not notice how he gets sick. It is necessary to remember that it is better to use conditioners in combination with a humidifier. To drink during a heat drinks with a large amount of ice also very harmfully - the result will not keep itself waiting!

Especially, people cannot abuse such shock method of cooling of an organism with weak immunity. All residents of megalopolises suffer from stresses - the environment of the city has an adverse effect on health. And if the person is in a constant stress, then and it is easy for viruses and bacteria to punch protective armor of its organism.

It is necessary to remember security measures and at trips on transport. Many motorists do not use conditioners, and prefer to open windows. In such cases wind can become the otitis reason. You should not go into extremes and to refuse completely cooling devices, just temperature needs to be exposed on them optimum. It should not be lower than 20-23 degrees.

Reasons for developing of a SARS in the summer set. Therefore it is just necessary to pay due attention to prevention of viral diseases.

To know the password and to see a reference point

What drug to choose? Abundance of medicines on shelves of a drugstore confuses, they have approximately identical structures and big price running start. And whether it is always expensive, means effectively? Even more often residents of Russia choose the drug "Tsitovir-3".

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Specialists recommend it as one of the most effective drugs which action is directed to prevention and treatment of a SARS and strengthening of immunity. The matter is that its structure contains nothing superfluous, and the main operating components (тимоген sodium, Bendazolum and ascorbic acid) are directed to development of interferon which in turn interfere with reproduction of a virus in an organism, and also block process of synthesis of virus protein. In the first 24 hours, after reception of the first dose of medicine, the effect occurs. The organism begins to struggle with viruses by activation of own protective forces. Undoubted pluses of the drug "Tsitovir-3" is that it is effective and quickly in operation, it is also very important that this means is issued in several forms. Adults give preference to capsules, and syrup will be ideal for children. In the range "Tsitovira-3" there is also medicine in the form of powder. It does not contain sucrose, so will be suitable for the children having diathesis, neurodermatitises. It is worth paying attention to the powder "Tsitovir-3" which completely has no side effects and the adult who have diabetes or have tendency to an allergy to drugs.

We react quickly and correctly

Outside August and we already mentally say goodbye to summer. As there is a wish to snatch out more warm days. It is so pleasant to remember summer adventures in the rainy autumn and winter evenings. And that impressions about a trip on the dacha by all family or a hike to mountains were not saddened by memories of temperature of the younger son, or ongoing cold of the father, it is necessary to take measures in advance. With prevention everything is clear - better to warn a disease, than long and painfully to treat her. But what to do if nevertheless the family ached? It outdoors is elementary. Overheated on the sun and got to bathe into the cool small river, after water sat on cool wind... For the morning all family instead of gathering for early fishing, lies with a temperature of 39, and mother runs between beds of "patients".

When the disease comes suddenly and to speak about prevention of flu already senselessly, it is necessary to react to a virus during the first hours correctly. That treatment was effective, it is necessary to give to the diseased of "Tsitovir-3" also. It is combined with symptomatic means: anesthetics, febrifugal, antibechic drugs. Simply and quickly. It is possible to study the detailed instruction "Tsitovir-3" on the drug website.

Under protection against flu in the city and on vacation

Having rendered to itself and to the relatives first aid in treatment of cold, after all surely visit the doctor. Only the specialist can make the correct diagnosis and distinguish banal cold or flu from a serious disease which symptoms can be similar. It is necessary to consult to the attending physician and at the choice of prophylactics. "Tsitovir-3" many Russian doctors recommend. Efficiency of drug is confirmed with clinical tests, and the main criterion is its popularity at the Russian consumers. Many Russian parents note bystry reduction of symptoms and positive dynamics in the speed of recovery of children after reception of "Tsitovira-3" in powder. For mothers very important and the fact that one of pluses of "Tsitovira-3" total absence of side effects is. In the form of powder it should be given to kids from 1 year to 6 years.

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But, at the same time specialists also remind that in addition to medicines it is necessary to remember elementary security measures during seasons of colds. Air the room more often, wash hands with soap, you wear gauze masks in medical institutions and accept a vitamin complex. Good luck!

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.