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37 week of pregnancy

On the 37th week of pregnancy from the moment of fertilization there pass 35 weeks. To the termination 37 of week the fruit is considered full-term, and childbirth - urgent.Вес плода на 37 неделе беременности - 2,8-3,1 кг

Changes in a fruit organism

The fruit on the 37th week of pregnancy is similar to the newborn child. Length makes it 48 – 49 cm, the weight of 2800 - 3100 the Child is ready to that being born, his organism was adequately prepared for it.

The fruit body on the 37th week of pregnancy has pleasant roundish outlines because of the fat which collected under skin, skin of gentle-pink color. Accumulation of fat in hypodermic cellulose led to the fact that blood vessels not so clearly are visible through skin.

Lungs are rather created independently to breathe, the fruit in a stomach on the 37th week of pregnancy does the regular respiratory movements, swallowing amniotic liquid.

The nervous system of future kid is already well developed, practically all instinctive reflexes are created:

  • Protective;
  • Sucking;
  • Prehensile;
  • Crawlings;
  • Support, etc.

Between cells of a cerebral cortex of a fruit continue to be established new connection, this process will last also after the birth of the kid.

The fruit on the 37th week of pregnancy well hears, sees, catches a smell and taste. Its activity became more various and more difficult in spite of the fact that he spends the most part of time in a dream.

By results of ultrasonography on the 37th week of pregnancy it is possible to know a sex of the child.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 37th week of pregnancy

The stomach on the 37th week of pregnancy can decrease a little on feelings in sizes and fall. At women who should give birth for the first time such feeling for the first time appears in 2 – 3 weeks prior to childbirth, at multipara lowering of a stomach happens just before childbirth. The reason of lowering of a stomach on the 37th week of pregnancy is that the fruit head at its head presentation falls to a small pelvis. As soon as this event takes place, the woman will feel much better as the uterus will cease to press with such force on a diaphragm and to draw in lungs. There is an opportunity to breathe easily and a full breast.

By 37th week of pregnancy the woman usually arrives in weight to 10 – 11 kg. It is necessary to control to a thicket the weight not to pass its pathological increase. The bulk of an increase consists of the weight of the child, a placenta, amniotic waters and a uterus, but for pregnancy the woman adds several kilograms and due to fatty deposits.

Живот на 37 неделе беременности может опуститьсяQuite often excess increase of weight goes at the expense of a liquid delay in an organism. First of all, visually hypostases will become noticeable standing and on fingers of hands. Then pregnant women usually complain that to them footwear became small, and it is difficult to remove a ring from fingers. At the end of pregnancy the similar phenomena happen practically at all. If by the morning puffiness does not pass, then hypostases can be one of signs of a late gestosis. The gestosis can be followed by increase in blood pressure, emergence in urine of protein and headaches on the 37th week of pregnancy at this time. These manifestations cannot be disregarded and the more so, without treatment.

Pains on the 37th week of pregnancy in the bottom of a stomach, in a waist can become the first symptoms of the beginning of childbirth. After the 37th week of pregnancy it is necessary to wait for childbirth every day and to be prepared for them in advance.

If pains developed against the background of plentiful bloody allocations on the 37th week of pregnancy, urgent survey is necessary for a placental detachment exception. Process of childbirth – quite long, sometimes they drag on for 10 and more hours. All this time the placenta has to perform the former functions on providing a fruit with oxygen and nutrients.

Inspection on the 37th week of pregnancy

As the woman can give rise after 37 weeks at any time, by this moment all inspections and consultations have to be already executed. Ultrasonography on the 37th week of pregnancy in a planned order is not appointed. Visits of the gynecologist should be continued with a former frequency – once a week.

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