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5 most unusual plastic surgeries

All got used long ago that, having addressed the plastic surgeon, it is possible to modify natural parameters of a figure or to minimize the damages put to appearance with ruthless time. Many people (preferential women) worldwide annually decide on operations such. However there are also much more exotic interventions which are carried out seldom so far and cost expensive very much. We bring the story about the most unusual of them to your attention.

Alignment of a surface of a zone of bikini

On pages of glossy magazines it is possible to meet pictures of the models having not just beautiful, and perfect bodies. One of improbable features of figures of these girls is absolutely smooth surface of a zone of bikini: front parts of haunch bones which at any woman have to act forward in their photos are practically absent. Until recently similar miracles of anatomy spoke very simply: they were only result of processing of pictures by means of the photo editor.

A few years ago plastic surgeons became interested in a possibility of alignment of a zone of bikini, and the result of their efforts was very demanded. In spite of the fact that operation of cutting of speakers of sites of haunch bones cannot be considered neither easily transferable, nor absolutely safe, several women already decided on it and received desired ideal proportions.

Выравнивание поверхности зоны бикини

Creation of an eternal smile

In recent years among young female residents of South Korea huge popularity was gained by operation on such change of a shape of a mouth which allows to keep a smile upon the face constantly. For this purpose it is necessary to cut corners of lips in a special way. According to Koreans, the "eternal" smile (along with expanded eye shape) makes them similar to the European women that is very prestigious.

To consider Caucasian type of appearance more beautiful, than Mongoloid, or not, a matter of taste. It is precisely possible to approve only the following: according to psychologists, the smiling person causes trust in people around, it is simpler to it to contact and find a common language with other people.

Создание вечной улыбки

Synthetic "patch" in language

What there are only no people wishing to lose weight on without making for it special efforts! The high security of food in combination with exercise stresses can sustain not everyone. Patients doctors of Chugaya practicing in Los Angeles have an opportunity not to torture themselves diets and trainings. The plastic surgeon performs operations on installation on language of the special "patch" made of rough synthetic material.

The person who received such adaptation finds out that he cannot eat the majority of products any more, without feeling extremely unpleasant feelings. Doctor Chugay supplies the patients with specially developed diet based on the use of exclusively liquid food. At the same time in days the patient manages to receive no more than 800 kcal.

Such method of controlling with an excess weight is expected no more than a month: if in 30 days not to remove "patch", it will grow into language. In most cases this term is enough for patients of the inventive doctor fairly to lose weight.

Синтетическая заплатка на языке

Correction of a shape of a nose of yet not been born baby

Surgical change of a shape of a nose or ears usually do to adults. It is not only about the operations performed only because the patient wanted to become more beautiful, but also about the interventions connected with correction of inborn defects of appearance. To small children such operations are not performed, as a rule: doctors wait for that moment when cartilaginous tissue of ears or a nose stops growing and parts of the face will take the final form.

However now from this rule there are exceptions. So, one of female residents of Beverly Hills appealed to plastic surgeons recently to operate her yet not been born son. The woman was afraid that the boy will be born with too long nose inherited from the father. As it is not strange, doctors found possible such intervention not only, but even quite reasonable: in their opinion, the fruit which is in an environment of amniotic waters should not have had problems with postoperative healing of fabrics.

The procedure which is carried out by means of the endoscopic equipment ended quite successfully: the kid was born healthy and almost not having operation traces on a face.

Коррекция формы носа еще не родившегося ребенка

Change of a configuration of phonatory bands

The surgical interventions which are carried out for the purpose of correction of a timbre of a voice are known long ago. For a long time they were done preferential to the people who decided on operations on sex change. Unexpectedly such manipulations became very demanded among residents of South Korea.

Citizens of this country do not give preference to operations as a result of which their voices become lower and courageous or, on the contrary, high (each patient chooses this parameter individually). They aim to change character of the made sounds, to make them less sharp and ringing. According to Koreans, their voices differ in it from voices of Europeans whom it is very fashionable to resemble now.

Изменение конфигурации голосовых связок

It is known that demand gives rise to the offer. Emergence of new, exotic techniques of correction of a human body depends on that how turning out changes are demanded by clients. From this does not follow that there is a big sense to be torn to the operating table, aiming to make something special of the body. It is necessary to remember that similar operations are in most cases connected with serious risk for health.

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