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What is hypotonia dangerous by and as to struggle with it?

Гипотония чревата бессонницей
Hypotonia is fraught with sleeplessness
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Hypotensives often have in the afternoon feeling of drowsiness, and here to fall asleep them happens hard at night. For development of chronic fatigue several nights of a bad dream are enough. After same there comes back reaction: pressure jumps up, there are headaches, knocks in temples, working capacity decreases, there can be even faints. Unfortunately, symptoms of hypotonia can easily be confused with other diseases.
Главная опасность гипотонии
Main danger of hypotonia
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The main danger of the lowered pressure is that there is an insufficient blood supply leading to a hypoxia of internals and a brain. For this reason you should not neglect hypotonia, and it is important to begin its treatment in time. By the way, women have this disease much more often than men.
Выявление причины
Identification of the reason
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You should not neglect a visit to the therapist or the cardiologist as the reasons hypotonia can have a set, and not always harmless (a myocardial infarction, for example). If the lowered pressure has periodic character, then the doctor will prescribe you the drugs promoting increase in pressure. And the tonometer by means of which it is necessary to take measurements of pressure several times in days will help to watch a condition of pressure to you.
Физические нагрузки необходимы
Exercise stresses are necessary
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Daily charging is a quite good way to lift pressure. The water aerobics, easy jogging, swimming, driving on skis, skating, cycle trainings and just long walks in the fresh air will be ideal. You should not spend the days off in house walls. Organize family run or sports orientation competitions, or register to the gym where your loadings will be watched by the instructor.
Народная медицина оказывает помощь
Traditional medicine gives help
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In fight against hypotonia those herbs which raise an organism tone are especially useful. It is possible to carry a ginseng root, the Far East magnolia vine, etc. to such plants. Do broths and infusions, use them instead of tea. It is good to lift pressure also extract of a rhodiola pink helps. It is necessary to accept three times a day on 15 drops of extract in 30 minutes prior to meal.
Утро начинайте с чашечки кофе
Begin morning with a coffee cup
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Hypotensives should begin morning with a coffee cup, and during the day to have freshly brewed green or black tea. You watch that the night dream lasted not less than eight hours, and ideally – till twelve o'clock. It is necessary to be roused slowly, previously having made easy "lying" gymnastics.
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Observe a diet
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An important role in fight against hypotonia is played by healthy nutrition which helps to recover all functions of an organism. Pay special attention to products with the content of B3 vitamin (a liver, yeast, milk, an egg yolk, carrots, etc.). Eat only useful products, protect the heart and you remember that it at you one, and it is necessary to treat it timely.
Водные процедуры
Hydrotherapeutic procedures
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By means of hydrotherapeutic procedures it is very useful to train vessels. However it is necessary to watch that there were no sharp differences of temperatures. Any alternating douche, hydromassage, sauna and bath, and also douches and hardenings. Also do not forget about the emotional party of treatment: belief in success is the main thing!


Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.