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How to prevent varicosity?

От варикоза никто не застрахован
From varicosity nobody is insured
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Phlebologists are categorical: the reliable way to prevent a varicosity does not exist. If you have a genetic predisposition, then developing of varicosity – only a matter of time. Nevertheless, it does not mean what does not need to be done nothing. At the correct relation to legs it is possible to delay emergence of the first venous small knots for many years and even to avoid them.
Основные рекомендации
Main recommendations
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For prevention of varicosity it is necessary to exclude all sweet and farinaceous food from a diet, to limit consumption of coffee, salt. It is necessary to begin to do swimming, to leave off smoking, refuse standing or sedentary work, to avoid weights. Also it is recommended to forget about baths and saunas, and instead two times a day to pour over legs cool water. At tendency to varicosity it is impossible to carry golfs and socks with a dense elastic band.
Катание на лыжах
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It will be useful to learn to ski or at least to buy the exercise machine imitating walking on skis. The sliding, plastic movements train gastrocnemius muscles, and it, in turn, provides to veins fine protection, holding them on that place where they have to be. It is necessary to be engaged on such exercise machine not less than two weekly. A good alternative to skis is the figure skating.
Не ходите. если можете полежать
You do not go. if you can lie down
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The varicosis is inherent only in people, any animal does not suffer from a similar disease. Perhaps, it is connected with the fact that animals distribute the weight on four extremities, and people – only on legs. On walls of foot veins the constant pressure of a blood column is carried out. Therefore try to provide to legs rest at any time. It is possible to sit or lie down, it is desirable that legs were higher than the level of a body.
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It is more than cellulose
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Varicosity can arise because of the improper feeding causing the excess weight, hemorrhoids and locks. If all three problems, then varicosity – only a matter of time are inherent in you. To avoid undesirable succession of events, try to eat every day 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 300 g of cellulose. It is a lot of it in apples, whole grain, cabbage. You should not refuse and from meat dishes – food has to be balanced.
Проверьте сердце
Check heart
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Phlebologists found communication between a varicosity and a cordial rhythm. Failures in cordial activity influence stability of a blood-groove that prevents to work to not only heart, but also veins. At emergence of the first symptoms of varicosity (weight in legs, puffiness) it is necessary to visit the cardiologist. It is not excluded that having treated heart, you will get rid also of varicosity.
Сделайте коагулограмму
Make a koagulogramma
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Sometimes the reason of varicosity is covered in the blood. Too thick blood hardly overcomes venous valves, forming blood clots. To make sure that you have a normal coagulability, take a blood test on a koagulogramma. The thrombotest has to show 4-5 degree, a prothrombin ratio – it is higher than 80%, and retraction of a blood clot has to fluctuate within 44-65%. At any deviations to you will appoint the drugs liquefying blood.
Смените контрацептивы
Replace contraceptives
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Between development of varicosity and reception of contraceptive tablets there is no direct interrelation, but hormonal tablets quite often provoke a course of a disease with tendency to it. Therefore at the first symptoms of varicosity for a year after the beginning of reception of contraceptive tablets it is necessary to visit the gynecologist that it found for you other contraceptive. You should not get hormonal contraceptives independently.


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