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What flour is better?

Кукурузная мука
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Well is suitable for pastries. From it it is possible to make excellent pancakes, air biscuits, bread, pies. Despite characteristic smack, it surpasses wheat flour in the nutritious and useful properties, normalizes cholesterol level in blood. Preference should be given to flour from firm grades of corn. So, for pastries cornmeal of a fine crushing, and will be suitable for preparation of polenta, on the contrary, of large more.
Полезные свойства кукурузы
Useful properties of corn
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According to researches, the regular use of products from cornmeal strengthens cardiovascular system and normalizes pressure. At its structure there is a silicon which helps to keep elasticity of blood vessels. As a part of corn there are fatty unsaturated acids – arachidonic, linolenic, linoleic which help to normalize cholesterol level in blood.
Гречневая мука
Buckwheat flour
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In Russia buckwheat flour was it is very popular. From it cooked flat cakes, fritters, dumplings, vareniki, pancakes, buckwheat balls, etc. In Asian cuisine buckwheat flour also enjoys deserved popularity, thanks to the excellent tastes. Pastries from buckwheat flour turn out more dense therefore it is often mixed with wheat flour that products turned out more air.
Полезные свойства гречневой муки
Useful properties of buckwheat flour
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Buckwheat flour contains all 8 irreplaceable amino acids among which there is a threonine, tryptophane and a lysine. In it there is also a lot of cellulose therefore it is useful to digestion and removes toxics. At a diet of diabetics there shall be a buckwheat flour as it is rich with microelements and vitamins. It is useful to strengthening of vessels and heart, at heavy intellectual and exercise stresses.
Овсяная мука
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Oatmeal is a useful dietary product. It is practically not used separately, and mix with wheat flour more often, but it does not belittle its usefulness. Oats contain a lot of cellulose and digestible proteins. Oatmeal dishes are useful to all, behind an exception unless those who have an allergy to oats.
Полезные свойства овса
Useful properties of oats
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Oats deservedly are considered one of the most useful cereals therefore oatmeal has a set of the revitalizing properties. It contains insoluble and soluble cellulose. Insoluble cellulose normalizes intestinal microflora, and soluble normalizes development of a gastric juice and reduces sugar level in blood. Also in oats there is a lot of magnesium and methionine which are necessary for normal work of a nervous system.
Амарантовая мука
Amarantovy flour
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Amarantovy flour is received from amaranth grains, and recently it becomes more and more popular. As a rule, it is used in combination with wheat flour. Pastries from amarantovy flour turn out magnificent and have characteristic nut smack, long remain soft. Amarantovy flour can be added to soups, porridges, mashed potatoes, meat and mushroom dishes. Besides, she does not demand long heat treatment.
Полезные свойства амарантовой муки
Useful properties of amarantovy flour
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Amarantovy flour is vitamin and proteinaceous additive as at it there are 16 g of protein on 100 g of a product. It is a source of amino acids and vitamins. Flour is recognized by the leader among vegetable products in the content of squalene – the element possessing the expressed antineoplastic and immunopromoting effect. Amaranth seeds in a large number contain a lysine, the possessing anti-virus action.
Льняная мука
Linen flour
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Linen flour has specific smack. When using it together with wheat flour can be made very tasty pastries. This useful flour can be used not only for pastries, but also to add to forcemeat, cream soups, sauces, porridges and baked puddings. It also well is suitable for a breading.
Полезные свойства льна
Useful properties of flax
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Flax – one of the richest sources of the cellulose necessary for normal work of a GIT. Therefore linen flour will be useful to all, persons interested to lose excess weight. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids an omega-3 and an omega-6, vitamins of group B and natural antioxidants. The phytoestrogen which is its part helps to keep good health to women during pregnancy and a menopause, prolongs youth.
Рисовая мука
Rice flour
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In Asian cuisine rice flour is very popular. Do sweets and confectionery of it, use it for a breading, do macaroni and noodles, rice paper. Bread from rice flour turns out crackling and easily crumbles.
Полезные свойства риса
Useful properties of rice
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In rice flour there is a lot of starch and there is practically no gluten, and, therefore, and gluten. For this reason it is so widely used in dietary food. It well will be suitable for people who have an allergy to gluten, for patients with a Gee's disease, at a chronic and acute coloenteritis, cardiovascular diseases. Rice flour is vitamin-rich PP and B, and also phosphorus.


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