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How to achieve success

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Win against laziness
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One of the reasons preventing to achieve success – banal laziness. The person can also not to suspect, how strongly this quality influences it. Laziness slows down any activity and does not allow good undertakings to be realized. It is necessary to fight against laziness, systematically and constantly, over and over again, literally forcing itself to work. Results will appear practically at once, and over time it will become much simpler to overcome laziness.
Не тратьте попусту время!
Do not spend in vain time!
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Today many will agree that there is not enough time at all. The modern world is arranged so that free time practically disappeared from life of people. But being constantly busy, people spend the time not on the necessary and useful affairs at all, and on from what, in fact, is not present to sense. There is even such principle 80/20, it means that only 20% of affairs bring to 80% of benefit. For them it is also necessary to release the time!
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Do not give in to fear
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Fears can be different. Think whether you are afraid to seem ridiculous or silly, whether you are afraid to be mistaken or lose, whether you are afraid to stand out from the crowd or to object the person having authority even knowing that it is not right? If in you there are such fears, then it is necessary to get rid of them, they constrain you on the way to success. Do not give in to fear, overcome it, and you will see that you are much stronger, than thought.
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Develop belief
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Lack of confidence prevents to achieve success to many people. They just do not believe in themselves, do not believe in result and therefore all their undertakings are doomed to a failure. Society puts some idea that only "exclusive" persons try to obtain in life of all is wanted. Discard all the doubts, develop belief, do not doubt at all that at you everything will turn out! You will be able to tell others soon about how you achieved success.
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Resist pressure of people around
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Sometimes close to us or even at all strangers can is free or involuntarily exert strong impact on our life. Do not give in to pressure from the outside and solve with whom to you to communicate, where to work what to devote tomorrow to. Do not look back at others opinion, build the future. Acting this way, you should not look for guilty of the misses, and all your achievements will belong only to you.
Проявите силу воли
Show will power
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Sometimes it is necessary to achieve result by effort of a will. It means that it is necessary to go towards the aim, despite of resistance. If at someone will power lacks, then it it is possible and it is necessary to train, like muscles, from it it only becomes stronger. It is necessary to begin with small, and ability to cope also with more complex challenges will gradually come.
Не ищите оправданий
Do not look for justifications
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It is very difficult to recognize existence at himself, say, laziness or a lack of will power, here and the person of a justification thinks out if only only not to face the truth. But such slyness harms first of all the person. You should not think out ridiculous excuses, to blame others for the failures, it is necessary to admit just honestly to himself the weaknesses and to begin to fight with them.
Не упускайте из виду главные цели
Do not lose sight of main goals
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Every day we should carry out the mass of duties, many of which can not be pleasant to us at all, but we cannot just refuse them. We are engaged in what takes away our time, and at the same time we forget forces, health for the sake of what actually all of us do it. Do not lose sight of the main goals!
Избавьтесь от негатива
Get rid of a negative
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The negative can lodge in ourselves, and can rush into our life from the outside. The people who are adjusted pessimistically can infect also us with the pessimism, and we involuntarily will begin to imitate them. That not to allow it, communicate with those who think positively who will support you in your efforts and to believe in your success. Over time from your own negative there will be no trace left also.
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If it is difficult for you to get rid of doubts if you constantly consider the following step, but you do not do it, then try "to disconnect the head". Just stop to deliberate and act! Sometimes ourselves complicate everything, looking for difficulties where they are absent. It is necessary to think, of course, but at long fluctuations just it is necessary to show determination and in some sort even to risk. Well, and risk, as we know, – a noble cause!


Whether you know that:

To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.