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Jogging: from a heart attack or towards to problems?

The popular expression "run from a heart attack" became the motto of the people supporting active lifestyle. Moreover, run became a peculiar fashionable tendency: sales of racetracks and the accompanying goods for run are at permanently high level. Whether really it is possible for one and all people and it is necessary to run to receive the portion of health, a charge of cheerfulness and good mood?

Бег трусцой: польза для здоровья

Doctors warn: "running away" a trot from a heart attack, it is possible to meet other diseases. Therefore not all people can do this sport.

First of all, it is necessary to understand, than jogging differs from other types of run. Other name of jogging – jogging (from the English jogging, the shuffling run). In the name the main difference of this type of run is already put: the phase of a bezoporny state (flight) is extremely small here. As soon as one leg makes a start from a surface, the second falls by the earth. Other distinctive features of the equipment is a rigid blow by a heel about a support or "flop" the weakened foot. Speed of the movement makes 7-9 km/h that there is slightly more than the speed of bystry walking.

About advantage of jogging (jogging) for an organism

So, similar speed and technology of run in power even to the beginners and people who are not in the best physical shape. Than the jogging is useful and what can achieve with its help?

Run is really very useful to cardiovascular system of the person as it well influences small vessels. The hypodynamia leads to disturbance of blood supply of fabrics and an atrophy of a large number of capillaries. The correct jogging maintains the set intensity of cardiac performance, and "opens" the fallen-down capillaries, promoting also their germination to the grown poor sites of fabrics.

Microblood circulation promotes the correct work of endocrine system: production of hormones is adjusted and becomes more active. In general the jogging strengthens a metabolism that rejuvenates an organism and increases its protective forces. Lactic acid and carbon dioxide which content when jogging increases act as a stimulator.

Normalization of arterial pressure – one more merit of jogging: at achievement of pulse rate to 120-150 beats per minute peripheral vessels extend and their resistance decreases.

The feeling of happiness and pleasure is noted by all fans of jogging. It arises thanks to the strengthened production of endorphines. Effect of these hormones continues within an hour after jog. Morning jog helps an organism to reduce excess of hormones and to counterbalance a nervous system, and evening on the contrary, to be recharged by energy after long day of work.

At last, the jogging helps to lose weight thanks to the strengthened burning of calories in the course of run. Therefore it is recommended to most of the people aiming to lose weight as rather easy loading.

What danger of jogging (jogging) consists in?

Physiologists allocate the following absolute contraindications to occupation with jogging:

  • Inborn heart diseases;
  • The had myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • Arterial hypertension higher than 180/110;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic diseases of kidneys;
  • Sharp disturbances of a cordial rhythm;
  • The ophthalmologic problems menacing with retina amotio.

As it is possible to notice, the list of contraindications is not so small. The people having similar diseases in the anamnesis are recommended to choose other type of exercise stresses which is not connected with run.

The main danger when jogging – exceeding of a permissible load on heart. Unfortunately, many people consider that the loading is higher, the quicker they will be able to achieve desirable result. It by no means not so. You judge: maximum permissible pulse rate at jogging – 180 beats per minute. What will happen to an unexercised organism and what condition of the person will be if his pulse blows suddenly jumps up from 60-70 to 180? Instead of finding of health it is possible to lose it easily.

The people beginning to be engaged in jogging shall control the pulse. Extreme values of pulse are calculated by a formula: 180 minus age advanced in years. Nasal breath can be considered as a peculiar control – if at run it is possible to breathe only through a nose, then pulse corresponds to 120-150 beats per minute.

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Other unpleasant side effect of jogging - a problem with joints. The way of run means long shock load of a knee joint that can lead to injuries and wear of joints. If people with an excessive weight go in for jogging, then loading only amplifies. What it is better – several lost kilograms or severe pain in knees? By the way, pain can arise also in a waist thanks to its rocking. The most unpleasant possible effect – the shift of vertebral disks.

At last, people who intend to find expressive muscles by means of jogging can not expect it: jogging, on the contrary, only "dries" a figure.

It is necessary to run intelligently

Not only intelligently, but also with a stop watch, and with a water bottle. If the doctor resolved occupations jogging (and at any chronic diseases it is necessary to consult at the doctor), then it is necessary to approach it with all responsibility. First of all, attentively to study the correct technology of run, it is better on video lessons – it will be more evident.

At the big excess weight or bad physical shape it is better to begin with bystry walking and only then, in 3-4 weeks, gradually to run. Control of pulse has to be regular: at the first stage pulse should not exceed 18-20 blows in 10 seconds. If it exceeded this value (120 beats per minute), it is necessary to pass to walking. Occupations begin run from 10 minutes, and there are enough jogs three times a week. Every week time can be increased by 10%. Do not allow organism dehydration: water always has to be near at hand, otherwise you just risk to faint during run.

Play sports and good luck.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.